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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in East Gwillimbury, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This RFPQ is open to all Respondents who wish to be pre-qualified to provide construction services for the Sharon In-Line Trunk Sewer Storage Interim Solution Project in accordance with the Region's construction standards/specifications/requirements. The Region is prequalifying bypass subcontractors on behalf of the Sharon Landowner Group (the Developer Group). The pre-qualified sub-contractors may be invited by the Developer Group to submit bids for the Project. The general contractor for the project has been pre-qualified in a previous RFPQ. The Developer Group anticipates procuring the construction services for the Proposed Works in the Spring of 2022. The Developer Group may solicit bids from any or all of the Selected Respondents to complete the bypass work under the direction of the General Contractor and there is no guarantee that any Selected Respondent will be invited to submit a bid. The main Scope of the Work is to implement 900 m3 of in-line storage over approximately 810 m of the Sharon trunk sewer to mitigate the flow changes associated with the proposed residential development Sharon Village Community within the Town of East Gwillimbury. The Sharon Landowner Group (the Developer Group) is requesting additional wastewater servicing capacity to complete the build out of the Sharon Village community, located at the intersection of Mount Albert Road and Leslie Street in Town of East Gwillimbury. The purpose of this Request for Pre-Qualification is to obtain submissions from bypass subcontractors to determine which of those bypass subcontractors are qualified, in the opinion of the Region, to undertake the Work(s). From the submissions received, the Region shall generate a list of qualified subcontractors that will be provided to the Developer Group. Only those on the pre-qualified list will be presented to the Developer Group unless the Region deems that an insufficient number of bypass subcontractors have been qualified and that a competitive environment may not be achieved, in which case the Region reserves the right to invite bids from additional bypass subcontractors. Should the Region exercise its right to pre-qualify additional Respondent(s), the Respondent(s) with the highest total score(s) from the group of those who did not meet the minimum total score may, at the Region's Sole Discretion, be selected or, alternatively, the Region may invite submissions from additional bypass subcontractors. Any additional bypass subcontractors invited to bid on the Proposed Work(s) must meet the requirements of the RFPQ. This RFPQ outlines the background information and scope of the required Work(s), responsibilities of the Respondents, requirements for pre-qualification, the selection process and related terms and conditions and specifications. The Region reserves the right, in its Sole Discretion, to disqualify Respondents which fail to provide all information as required by this Request for Pre-Qualification. In addition, the Developer Group reserves the right, at its Sole Discretion, to invite any or all of the Selected Respondents to submit bids for the Proposed Works, or to discontinue or abandon the Project. The information contained in this RFPQ document is intended to provide interested parties with a general overview of the design, construction work and submission requirements of this project. The Developer Group shall provide all documentation that govern the scope, terms and conditions of the Proposed Work(s) in Stage II. Nothing in this document should, in any way, be construed to be a condition or term of the yet to be issued Contract documents, specifications and drawings. The Contract awarded during Stage II, and all of the requirements contained therein alone, and not this RFPQ, shall govern the scope, terms and conditions of the Proposed Work(s). The award of the Contract resulting from the Stage II process is the responsibility of the Developer Group. Documents can be obtained at: https://york.bidsandtenders.ca Question Deadline: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:30:00 PM (EDT)


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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Sharon Village Community, East Gwillimbury, ON

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