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Published April 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Invitation to Tender consists of the supply and delivery of Asphalt Concrete Base Mix ('B'), Surface Mix ('D'), and Sand Seal ('E') on an 'as- and when-required' basis. Estimated quantities are attached as estimates only and based upon 2021 quantities--GNB does not guarantee any pickup quantities. Contract(s) of Supply will be awarded to the vendor(s) as a result of this Invitation to Tender in accordance with the Contract Award Criteria. Contract(s) will commence on the date of contract award and conclude November 25, 2022. Contract(s) of Supply will be awarded based upon the lowest price-per-tonne bid for each of the three Items meeting the requirements detailed within the Specifications and Appendices attached to this document. GNB reserves the right to award to a single or multiple vendors based upon a combination of price, product availability, geographic location, and submission of Design Mix Formula (DMF). Best overall value will be determined at the sole discretion of GNB and all decisions are final. All asphalt concrete shall be required to meet the attached Item 266 Specification for Asphalt Concrete Pick Up. The supplier shall submit a Design Mix Formula (DMF) of each type of asphalt concrete to Construction Branch prior to supply of each type of asphalt concrete throughout the term of the Contract of Supply and, for the 2022 construction season, not later than May 22, 2022. DTI reserves the right to carry out inspections on a random basis. The asphalt concrete prices will be FOB at the Suppliers' asphalt plant for DTI use on maintenance and construction activities for the 2022 construction season. Suppliers are also asked to extend the pickup price for each asphalt mix to the City of Moncton, included within the Estimated Quantities attached. Prices will be adjusted at the first of each month using Attachment A-P if the change to NBDTI's Asphalt Binder Price Index varies by 5% or more. No other adjustments will be considered. Price adjustments will be completed by DTI and confirmed with the Supplier. The first adjustment will be considered on June 1, 2022. For specific projects within defined time frames, DTI may request revised pricing from all suppliers located within a defined radius of the project location (typically a one hour haul). DTI reserves the right to negotiate pricing with suppliers at the time of original submission and throughout the duration of the construction season by requesting revised pricing from all suppliers. All inquiries should be received seven (7) calendar days prior to the closing date; any inquiries received less than 7 calendar days prior to the closing date cannot be guaranteed a response. Please reference the tender number and closing date within your communications to ensure a prompt and accurate reply. Control # 17367621


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Fredericton, NB

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