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Published April 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Clay, West Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Mowing shall be done while students and staff are not present on playgrounds to prevent injuries. Bidders will provide all labor, equipment, and materials. Mowing equipment must be suitable for the job. Bidders will have: 1. Business License 2. Workers' Compensation Coverage 3. $1,000,000 Liability Insurance After mowing and weed eating, sidewalks and walkways must be cleaned by Bidder. Bidder will have a checklist for the Principal to sign after mowing is done for quality control. Mowing will be done on two (2) schedules as follows: Schedule A - Mow and weed eat every two (2) weeks Schedule B - Weed eat every month A total of five (5) contracts consist of the following: Bid forms may be obtained at the Board Office. Bidders are encouraged to visit the school sites and meet with the Principal to determine the areas to be mowed. MOWING CONTRACT #1 Clay County High School - Area around school, includes road bank Area around green house, includes road bank and river bank at football field, but not the football field itself Schedule A Pool - Area around the pool and fence Schedule A Bus Garage - Area behind bus garage and road bank Schedule B MOWING CONTRACT #2 Clay County Middle School - Area around school, front and rear Schedule A Clay Elementary School - Area around school Area in the middle of school Three playground areas, including fences and banks Schedule A Board Office - Area around main office, including banks Area around new gym Area around Maintenance Building Area around dumpsters Schedule A MOWING CONTRACT #3 Big Otter Elementary School - Area around the school, including playground and fence, guardrail posts along driveway, softball field at end parking lot Schedule A 6' area around sewer plant, including 6' on each side of sewer plant driveway Schedule B MOWING CONTRACT #4 Lizemore Elementary School - Area around the school, ballfield, including fences, playing, include fences Schedule A Bank behind school; bank by Route 16; creek banks Schedule B MOWING CONTRACT #5 H. E. White Elementary School - Area around the school, ballfield, and fence Area around greenhouse, sewer plant, ditch along dumpsters Schedule A Creek banks; walking trail Schedule B



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Clay, WV

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