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Published November 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Savannah, Georgia. Working plans call for the renovation of a military facility; for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; road / highway; and road / highway.

Bid Cancelled. Update 27 Oct 2022 - Issuance of Solicitation Amendment 0005, Addendum 2 to Plan sheet GC-146, revised response to RFI #29 deletion of CLIN 0002 - Base Security at Contractor Access Gate and update to liquidated damages clause (52.211-12). See attached documents for complete details: W50S70-22-B-0001-Amendment 0005 20221027, W50S70-22-B-0001- Addendum 2 (GC-146) and Gate Complex Construct - RFI Response No. 29 Revised (Updated 20221027). NOTE: Bid Due Date remains 2 November 2022 at 2:00 PM; contact Amanda Bogue (amanda.m.bogue.civ@army.mil) and Kasey Connor (kasey.l.connor.civ@army.mil) to register to attend the bid opening. Update 27 Oct 2022 - Not an Amendment; Posting RFI Responses 44-100. Update 24 Oct 2022 - Issuance of Solicitation Amendment 0004, Addendum 1 to the Plans and Specifications and post RFI Responses. The amendment updatese the following items: Update Bid Due Date from 27 October to 2 November 2022; Addition of CLIN 0002 - Base Security at Contractor Access Gate; Incorporation of Plans & Specifications Addendum 1 (See first sheet of addendum for list of changes). See attached documents for complete details: W50S70-22-B-0001-Amendment 0004 20221024, W50S70-22-B-0001- Addendum 1 and Gate Complex Construct - RFI Responses (Dated 20221024). Note: Pre-Bid RFI period has expired and will not be extended, however there are a number of RFIs that have been submitted that are pending responses. Responses to remainining RFIs will likely be published tomorrow, 25 October 2022. Update 20 Oct 2022 - Not an Amendment; Posting RFI Responses 27-33, 36 & 39. Update 14 Oct 2022 - Issuance of Solicitation Amendment 0003 and post RFI 1-26 Responses. The amendment updatese the following items: Update Bid Due Date from 1300 to 1400 on 27 October 2022; Delete Reference Drawing S-102 in CLIN 1001 (see RFI responses for additional information); Added bid mail-in address (see section 00100), and bid opening base access procedures (see section 002113). See attached documents for complete details: W50S70-22-B-0001-Amendment 0003 20221014 and Gate Complex Construct - RFI Responses 1-26 (Dated 20221014). Update 06 Oct 2022 - Not an Amendment; Posting Pre-Bid Conference/Site Visit Sign-In Sheet and Presentation Slides. Update 03 Oct 2022 - Issuance of Solicitation Amendment 0002 and Site Visit Map with additional information. This amendment provides revised directions on how to obtain access for the site visit scheduled for 6 Oct 2022; See block 14 of the amendment and section 00 21 13 Intrustions to Bidders information, for all updated information. Update 28 Sep 2022 - Issuance of Solicitation Amendment 0001. This amendment updates the site visit date/time in provision 52.236-27 to 6 Oct 2022, 10:00AM to be consistent with section 00 21 13 Intrustions to Bidders information. Solicitation Notice for Construct Gate Complex Robert B. Miller Jr. Road in Savannah-Hilton Head IAP, Georgia Air National Guard Project # XDQU179301 Solicitation: W50S70-22-B-0001 Project Title: Construct Gate Complex Robert B. Miller Jr. Road Document Type: Invitation for Bid Classification Code Y--Construction of Structures and facilities Set Aside: 100% Small Business Set-Aside NAICS Code: 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction The USPFO of Georgia, in coordination with the Savannah/HH International Airport of the state of Georgia, intends to issue an Invitation for Bids to award a single fixed-price contract for Construction, to provide all plant, labor, transportation, materials, tools, equipment, appliances and supervision necessary for the Construction of an Entry Control Facility (ECF) including a gate house, commercial search area, pass and I.D. facility along with supporting roads. This project will provide an Consists of construction of approximately 25,587 SY of new asphalt and concrete roads and parking areas, construction of a 1,550 SF covered commercial vehicle inspection area, construction of an approximate 700 SF sentry gatehouse consisting of administrative and operational spaces supporting 24/7 occupied military security forces with mechanical, electrical, fire detection, intrusion detection, telecommunications rooms, and active vehicle barrier arrest systems. The entry control point will support privately owned vehicles, government R-11 fuel transport tankers and general purpose vehicles, and Class 7 commercial vehicles. The building will be of permanent construction with electrical, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, fire detection, direct digital control, and utility management systems. Roof construction will be standing seam metal roof. The roof will be custom specified to require its 20 year "no dollar limit" (NDL) warranty provisions to remain in effect for (3 sec) peak wind gusts of 115 mph (ASCE 7-16). Load bearing and load transfer elements include structural steel framing and reinforced masonry construction. Facility will include high performance and sustainable building requirements and will undergo commissioning. Antiterrorism/Force Protection elements are incorporated. Site clearing within the footprint of the new entry control point includes the demolition of an existing facility totaling 124 SF and will need to test for asbestos and lead abatement. Supporting facilities include significant grading and drainage improvements, stormwater retention and flood control, land clearing/grubbing, concrete pavements, asphalt pavements, active vehicle barrier system, passive force protection elements, fencing, general site improvements, and extension of underground utilities to serve project. The project is located at installation boundary located adjacent to a public road where traffic safety must be observed for the duration of project. This project will require multiple phases of construction. This project will require limited duration work within the Savannah-Hilton Head International Airport (IAP) Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) which will require coordination with the airport. The base award Contract Line Item(s) (CLINs) are anticipated to be as follows: CLIN 0001 - Construct Gate Complex In addition to a base price for the work described above, the solicitation includes four options for this project, which are anticipated to be as follows: CLIN 1001 (Option #1) Commercial Vehicle Inspection Canopy CLIN 1002 (Option #2) Parking Lot (18 Stalls) CLIN 1003 (Option #3) Mill/Overlay & New Parking Lot CLIN 1004 (Option #4) Sodding in lieu of Seeding BRAND NAME: This project requires a brand name specific product. Justifications are posted and attached to the solicitation on SAM.gov. The brand name products included in this acquisition include the following: 1. Stanley Best Access 2. Siemens Apogee 3. Monaco Enterprises Award will be made to the responsive and responsible lowest bidder. See W50S70-22-B-0001 Solicitation document for pre-bid conference/site visit information. Interested contractors are highly encouraged to attend and shall follow conference registration requirements as provided in the solicitation. A site visit will immediately follow the pre-bid conference. The bid opening will be conducted in accordance with FAR Subpart 14.4 and DFARS Subpart 214.4, Opening of Bids and Contract Award. Interested bidders must be registered in System for Award Management (SAM) at the time of bid submission. To register go to: https://www.sam.gov/portal/public/SAM/. You will need your UEI number, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and banking information to register. Instructions for registering are on the SAM web page (there is no fee for registration). The solicitation and associated information and the plans and specifications are available only from the SAM.GOV website online at https://SAM.GOV/. SAM.GOV is a web-based dissemination tool designed to safeguard acquisition-related information for all Federal agencies. Interested bidders must register with SAM before accessing the system. Bidders who have registered with SAM must request access to controlled but unclassified information in attachments. The "Access" column on the attachment page will display "Controlled." Initiate your request for access by clicking the attachment. This solicitation is an invitation for bids and there will be a formal public bid opening. DISCLAIMER: The official plans and specifications are located on the official government webpage and the Government is not liable for information furnished by any other source. Amendments, if/when issued will be posted to https://SAM.GOV/ for electronic downloading. This will normally be the only method of distributing amendments prior to closing; therefore, it is the offeror's responsibility to check the website periodically for any amendments to the solicitation. Websites are occasionally inaccessible, due to various reasons. The Government is not responsible for any loss of Internet connectivity or for an offeror's inability to access the documents posted on the referenced web pages. The Government will not issue paper copies. All inquiries must be in writing via email to the persons specified in the solicitation. All answers will be provided in writing via posting to the SAM.gov website. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. A bid repository is provided for hand carried bids and is located at Savannah-Hilton Head IAP, Georgia Air National Guard Base Building 1404, Main Conference Room. Hand carried bids must be deposited in the repository prior to the time established for opening of bids. Bidders are cautioned that they will be required to sign-in and obtain a visitor's pass to enter the facility and should allow time to accomplish this. Email: Amanda.bogue.civ@army.mil and Kasey.l.connor.civ@army.mil. A bid repository is provided for hand carried bids and is located at Savannah-Hilton Head IAP, Georgia Air National Guard Base Building 1404, Main Conference Room. Hand carried bids must be deposited in the repository prior to the time established for opening of bids. Bidders are cautioned that they will be required to sign-in and obtain a visitor's pass to enter the facility and should allow time to accomplish this *ABBA Constr

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Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Savannah, GA

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