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Published April 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Strongsville, Ohio. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Strongsville will receive sealed qualifications and letters of interest for Engineering Design services from qualified firms, in connection with the City's proposed I-71 at Boston Road Interchange Project, CUY/MED Traffic Study. In Cuyahoga and Medina Counties. Scope of Services The scope includes those services necessary to perform all necessary steps and tasks associated with ODOT's Project Development Process, from Planning, Preliminary Engineering, Environmental Engineering through Final Engineering. The City of Strongsville anticipates the project will be set up with a scope and fee in two parts. Part 1- (PID: 116069) CUY/MED-71 Traffic Studies is to consist of the Planning Phase of the project, including but not limited to: - Develop the project Purpose & Need Statement - Develop a Feasibility Study (FS). Identify which of the required FS items were addressed in previous studies. Evaluate multiple alternatives being considered to address the Purpose & Need: No Build, Full Interchange Alternatives, Partial Interchange Alternatives. - Provide Certified Design Traffic forecasts. - Perform Environmental Field Studies and determine environmental impacts. Include Section 106 Scope Request, Regulated Materials Review Screening (RMR), and Level 1 Ecological Survey. - Develop a Public Involvement Plan. - Prepare for and manage Public Involvement and Coordination. Expect to include a Stakeholder Meeting and a Public Meeting at the minimum. - Develop an Alternative Evaluation Report (AER) if a preferred alternative is not determined in the Feasibility Study. - Develop an Interchange Justification Study (IJS) for the Preferred Alternative determined from the FS or AER. Part 2- is to consist of the Preliminary Engineering (PE) Phase Design, Environmental Engineering and Detail Design of the preferred alternative and the approved Interchange Justification Study. Fee proposals and a detailed Scope of Services will be submitted by the consultant for Part 2 after approval of the Interchange Justification Study (Part 1). This improvement is being constructed as an LPA Federal Local Let Project by the City of Strongsville. Accordingly, all services should be performed in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations with oversight by ODOT. It is anticipated that the selected consultant will be authorized to proceed by on or about June 2022. Minimum qualifications for the project will include: 1. Competence to perform the required management services as indicated by the technical training, education, and experience of the construction manager's personnel; 2. Ability in terms of workload and the availability of qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the required management services competently and expeditiously; 3. Past performance as reflected by the evaluations of previous clients with respect to factors such as control of costs, quality of work, and meeting of deadlines; and 4. Financial responsibility as evidenced by the capability to provide a letter of credit, a surety bond, certified check, or cashier's check in an amount equal to the value of the construction management contract, or by other means acceptable to the public owner in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 9.33/9.333 The City of Strongsville reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities or minor defects in the proposals received, and accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the City. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 9, 2022


I-71, Strongsville, OH

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RFQ - Cuyahoga and Medina Counties I-71 Traffic Study

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