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Published June 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a military facility in Bremerton, Washington. Completed plans call for the remodel of a military facility.

Design, Supply and Install a permanent Reverse Osmosis water treatment system capable of supplying water at a rate of 60GPM. Option items to include second RO system that is to be skid-mounted and designed to be "cleanable in place". flow rate is to be the same as permanently mounted system. *The bid list for this project may be incomplete. If you have been invited to bid on this project by the owner, please notify our editorial staff at contentcase@constructconnect.com. *This project is being bid by invitation only. If you have been contacted by the owner to bid on this project as a general contractor, and would like to be listed below, please notify our editorial staff at contentcase@constructconnect.com. This is a design-build contract. The work includes design and construction activities necessary to provide a dedicated reverse osmosis (RO) system, skid and pretreatment accessories, properly outfitted and sized to meet the needs and demands of the Pure Water production system with a permeate flow rate of approximately 60 gpm, and incidental related work. There exists an optional item to provide a single movable, skidmounted clean-in-place (CIP) system. Provide and install a new, dedicated reverse osmosis system, skid and pretreatment accessories, which will be located on the north side of the Pure Water Room on the fifth floor of Building 900. Contractor and Designers shall determine the optimal points of connection and piping header interface points for the new, dedicated reverse osmosis system, including electrical power, incoming water supply to the new RO (fresh water), outgoing RO water to existing pure water feed piping (permeate), outgoing RO waste water to the deionized waste water header (concentrate) and chemical cleaning waste water header. The proposed site location and anticipated system tie-in points are shown in Part 6, Enclosure 5 (Proposed Location Drawing with Points of Connection). Contractor provides the new locally mounted controllers, new remote controller/monitor with interconnecting signal cabling, and all programming on the new system. Contractor shall run signal cable for connection between local control panel at the RO Unit 5th floor and the remote control panel located in the Pure Water Plant on the 1st floor. Contractor should run signal cable and provide remote RO HMI adjacent to existing PLC in Pure Water plant, but will make no connections to existing system. Provide all new stainless steel piping, valves, gauges, indicators, controls, and accessories necessary to connect the new RO system, including pretreatment, to feed the 5 th floor degasifier tower.




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation

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1400 Farragut St., Bremerton, WA

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