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Site work and new construction of a parking garage in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a parking garage; and for the construction of a 27,200-square-foot parking garage.

The overall project scope will include designs that address all necessary building systems components including but not limited to HVAC, plumbing, electrical, structural, interior and exterior finishes, and parking, associated with a yet to be finalized design criteria and scope. A part of the architectural scope will be the necessary programming with Henderson County Public Schools in order to provide a finalized proposed design with cost estimates and schedules for approval. The Bus Garage Facility will utilize approximately 4.25 acres of the overall 12-acre site. The building size is estimated to be 27,200 square feet inclusive of 8 service bays, 1 paint bay, 1 body bay, 1 wash bay, and with fuel storage capacity of 25,000gallons. Additionally, the architectural services will be to provide the necessary Construction and Bid Administration once the project is bid and awarded, to ensure project success. Format for Statements of Qualifications: Each proposal submitted in response to this solicitation should address the following elements: 1. A description of the professional qualifications of the firm and staff proposed for the architectural design services. Clearly indicate the experience (with current and previous firms) and roles of staff members. Include information about the firm's professional registration in North Carolina. 2. An explanation of the Architect's approach to addressing the proposed scope of services outlined in this document. 3. A brief description of projects completed that are similar in scope and size. For each project listed, please include the name of the entity and the name and contact information of the person who would be familiar with the work performed. 4. A schedule of hourly compensation rates for the proposed project team. 5. Additionalreferences. Please note, firms may submit prior work product that shows their competence as it relates to this RFQ. However, firms may NOT submit work products or designs for the project described in this RFQ. Firms can NOT submit an estimated total fee, total contract price, or an estimation of hours involved in completing the project in response to this RFQ. Selection Process: Proposals submitted by the deadline will be evaluated by a selection committee comprised of representatives and staff from Henderson County. Each firm will be evaluated based upon the following weighted criteria. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the solicitations: 1. Evaluation of Project Team (20%) 2. Firm's History and resource capability to perform and provide the required services (20%) 3. Previous descriptions of similar design projects (20%) 4. Ability to relate to project requirements(20%) 5. Additional references. (10%) 6. Project Schedule. (10%) As a general guide to prospective proposers, the Professional Services selection procedures adopted by North Carolina, appropriately modified by Henderson County, will be employed in the selection process, and weighted as noted above. All proposals must include all aspects of North Carolina law and Henderson County policy. The owner may or may not interview potential candidates to assist in the selection process. Standard of Award: The standard of award for this Request for Qualifications will be based on the demonstrated competence and qualifications of firms to provide architectural design services for the Henderson County Public Schools Bus Garage Facility. Proposals will be reviewed after opening and will be ranked in order of choice based on selection criteria at which point contract negotiations will begin with the most qualified firm. Should negotiations fail with the initial qualified firm the County may, at its discretion, continue negotiations with lower ranked qualified firms. The County shall not be bound or in any way obligated until both parties have executed a contract. The County reserves the right to delay the award of a contract or to not award a contract. Henderson County reserves the unqualified right to reject any and / or all statements of qualifications, and to waive any informalities in so far as it is authorized to do so and further specifically reserves the right to make the award in the best interest of the County. Qualified firms interested in providing qualification statements or having questions for this project may contact David Berry at Pursuant to General Statutes of North Carolina Sections 143-128 and 143-131, the County encourages and provides equal opportunity for Certified Minority and Women- Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) businesses to participate in all aspects of the County's contracting and procurement programs. For Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements, see Minority Business Participation Guidelines posted under Doing Business with Henderson County The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.


Parking Garage


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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April 27, 2023


To Be Determined, Hendersonville, NC

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