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Published April 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Sacramento, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

UC Davis Health in Sacramento, California requests Statements of Qualifications on or before 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 12, 2022, from qualified firms interested in providing Construction Management Services for the Capital Projects Team of the Facilities Design & Construction Department. Requested services will support projects with budgets typically between $3M-$70M. Services to be provided may include the full range of CM services from early investigations through Construction Completion. CM Firms will be selected for each of the 7 capital projects categories of work listed below; at its discretion, the University may select one firm to provide more than one Work Scope. Firms must indicate each Work Scope they wish to be considered for and demonstrate their experience and staffing skills specific to each indicated work category. Work Scope 1: Integrated Design Management CM Services for Investigation and Preconstruction phases of the Capital Projects Program. The primary focus of this category of work is integrated design management and approvals for all new capital projects. Coordination with construction phase implementation teams required. Work includes both HCAI and Non-HCAI projects with scopes of varying scales and complexities. Work Scope 2: Healthcare Projects CM Services for healthcare projects that fall under the jurisdiction of HCAI. The primary focus of this category of work are renovations that impact public areas, patient bedrooms, surgical suites, treatment rooms and accessory areas. Work typically will involve aging infrastructure, strict air quality and dust controls and complicated phasing that require extensive coordination with University staff in several departments. Example projects include code compliance upgrade work, whole floor renovations, partial floor reconfigurations, system replacements and general finish upgrades. Projects could include both building renovations and additions. Work Scope 3: Ambulatory Care Projects CM Services for Non-HCAI healthcare projects that require renovation, remodels, or small additions to existing Ambulatory Care Buildings. Work typically requires minimizing impacts to adjacent operations and falls under the jurisdiction of the UC Davis Health Campus Building Official. Work Scope 4: Seismic Projects CM Services for seismic retrofit projects that are required for compliance with state mandates of both HCAI and Non-HCAI buildings. Work typically will involve aging infrastructure, strict air quality and dust controls and complicated phasing that require extensive coordination with University staff in several departments. Adherence to state mandated compliance deadlines is required. Work Scope 5: Schools of Health & Support Projects CM Services for education and research projects for the School of Medicine and/or School of Nursing and non-healthcare campus support projects including Administrative Offices, Parking Structures, Information Technology upgrades, etc. Projects could require building renovations, system upgrades, additions, or new structures. Work typically falls under the jurisdiction of the UC Davis Health Campus Building Official. Work Scope 6: Quality Assurance and Cost Management CM Services for quality assurance and control support for the Capital Projects Program. The primary focus of this category of work includes cost estimating, scheduling, cash flow, constructability reviews and feasibility recommendations, as well as QA of work performed by contractor to make sure it conforms with approved plans. Work may also include, but not be limited to, independent peer reviews of cost estimates, schedules, and constructability analysis. Program includes both HCAI and Non-HCAI projects with scopes of varying scales and complexities. Work Scope 7: Capital Projects Management CM and Project Management Services for all phases of the Capital Projects Program. The primary focus of this category of work is full time, dedicated key personnel with design management, project management and/or construction management expertise to support and augment the Capital Projects team. It is anticipated that core staff members be primarily located on-site and must have the ability to work with University software programs. Work includes both HCAI (formerly OSHPD) and Non-HCAI projects with scopes of varying scales and complexities. Questions and requests for the link to upload statements may be addressed via email only to Leila Couceiro, FD&C Contracts Manager, at lccouceiro@ucdavis.edu. Statements of Qualifications will not be accepted after the date and time stipulated above.



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