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Renovation of a day care center in New Haven, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a day care center.

Order of Notice Invitation to Bid For New Reach Shelter Capital Needs Project Sealed bids for the New Reach Shelter Capital Needs Project The scope of work consists of 3 separate bid packages consisting of one (1) 3rd Floor Bathroom renovation, Fire Protection and Generator; specified or implied on the bid documents dated May 3, 2021, or January 28, 2022. The project is funded by the Department of Housing (DOH) and requires to strictly follow its requirements. This project is subject to State contract pricing on equipment in accordance with Chapter 58 of the Connecticut General Status (CGS). Please contact Carol Wilson, Director at (860)-713-5095 at Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Procurement Services. The project shall start on Tuesday May 10, 2022 and requires to be substantially completed not later than Tuesday October 24, 2022. The final Completion Date for this project is set to be November 1, 2022. If project will not be completed by this date the Owner retains the right to terminate the Contractor's Contract, anytime after December 1, 2022. This Contractor shall notify New Reach, Inc. of any required power interruptions at least 72 hours in advance. Bidders shall not include any Federal Excise Taxes or State of Connecticut Sales Taxes which otherwise may apply. The New Reach, Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all options, bids, or proposals in whole or in part, to waive any technicality in a bid or part thereof submitted, and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the New Reach, Inc. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, Minority/Women's Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply This Contractor shall provide all equipment, devices, materials, labor, rigging, superintendence, transportation, plant & tools necessary for properly constructing within the time stipulated the indicated work necessary for the proper completion of the project, as shown on drawings and specified herein. The Scope of Work consists in providing an diesel-fired emergency generator on a concrete pad, remote annunciator panel, chain link fencing with gate to match existing, Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), circuit breakers, limited security system, wiring/conduits, grounding & bonding, etc., as shown & specified on drawings and these specifications and as required for complete operational systems, approved by the Owner's Representative and local authorities having jurisdiction. The Owner shall be responsible to remove all asbestos content materials throughout the spaces related with this project, prior to starting any work. However, if any asbestos content materials or any other hazardous materials are encountered during this work, by the above mentioned Contractor, they will stop work in the areas affected and report any and all findings to the Project Engineer.


Day Care Centers


Public - State/Provincial


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May 2, 2022

May 10, 2022


447 Ferry St, New Haven, CT

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