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Published January 16, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Williamsburg, Virginia. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; for the renovation of a municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The project is located at 6166 Old Mooretown Road, on property owned by the Williamsburg Area Transit Authority (WATA). It consists of a new construction Transit Building, Transit Canopies, and a Site Storage Building, with a parking lot and miscellaneous site elements. The existing property is primarily wooded, with a concrete block house foundation and remnant fencing scattered throughout the site. WATA buses will access the site through a new entrance/exit on Hornor Lane. Buses will circulate clockwise within the site on a concrete loop. Passenger loading and unloading will occur at six designated bays in a sawtooth configuration along the inside of the loop. Canopies will be provided over all bus loading areas and sidewalks connecting the loading areas to the building where additional passenger services will be provided. There are two main canopies, one over the main four (4) bus bays (canopy A) along the north side of the loop, and one over the two paratransit/microtransit bays (canopy C). To provide continuous cover between the bus loading areas and the main building, canopies extend over the sidewalks that connect these areas (canopies B1 and B2). All of the canopies utilize the same canopy column shape, while the bus canopies are larger and taller to provide additional clearance for vehicles. The 3,800-sf pentagon-shaped main building is clad with a combination of horizontally oriented insulated metal panels and brick. The vertical brick elements represent WATA's signature red vertical element at other locations. Aluminum storefront windows and curtain wall systems are integrated into the system, bringing in natural light. The building utilizes a PVC membrane roofing system. The building has two zones to separate public and non-public uses. In the public zone, there will be a waiting area, public restrooms, information/ ticketing area, and an unfinished small tenant space. The non-public zone contains WATA offices and driver amenities. Access-controlled openings will segregate public spaces from private spaces along with securing the main entrance/exit, and other mechanical spaces. On the western portion of the site is a small parking lot for WATA employees with separate access from Old Mooretown Road. A storage building and dumpster enclosure will be located adjacent to the parking lot, with access from the parking lot drive aisle. A connection between the parking lot and bus loop will be provided for emergency access and secured with a gate. Additional site improvements include stormwater management facilities, site utilities, lighting, sidewalks, and a prefabricated shelter structure where smoking will be permitted. A fence will be constructed along the western edge of the site, and new landscaping will be provided to satisfy York County zoning ordinance requirements. The project includes a freestanding monument sign that will be placed in a location visible from the public right-of-way; the ultimate placement of this sign will be identified during construction. Question Deadline 11/14/2024 All questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Jessica Yost, Senior Procurement Specialist in writing via e-mail: Jessica.yost@jamescitycountyva.gov.




Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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6166 Old Mooretown Rd, Williamsburg, VA

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