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Published October 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Richmond, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The work will be performed at 2910 Hilltop Drive, Richmond, CA 94806 and the intent of this RFP is to procure services from an organization who will safely assess the attic for structural integrity under loading scenarios detailed. Prepare and provide a health and safety plan including COVID-19 mitigation measures, pertinent contacts for incident reporting and directions to and from the site (2910 Hilltop Drive, Richmond CA 94806) as related to the nearest health facility. Provide all necessary materials, supplies, equipment, services and personnel to adequately carry out or complete the Scope of Services. The attic should be reviewed for structural integrity to ensure it can withstand all reasonable and potential loading scenarios including, but not limited to: live loads, seismic loads and environmental loads such as wind. Prior to the assessment, the selected proposer and WCW will discuss loading scenario details. The most recent attic plan sheets have been uploaded as attachments. A plan review table, 2 chairs and thousands of paper documents will be stored in the space full-time. On average, 1 or 2 people will be in the referenced space for 4 hours per month (expected occupancy: 1 hour per day, likely for only 1 day per week). In the most likely maximum loading scenario (i.e. people relocating cabinets full of documents), 4 people could be in the referenced space for 4 hours in 1 day. This assessment should be provided as a report (.pdf) including analysis required by latest version of the California Building Code, BSE-2E assessments, life cycle information before and after proposed work. The following services are optional and may be selected by WCW in its sole discretion. 3.6.1. As-needed Destructive Testing for the Base Scenario Arrange for on-site destructive testing to occur prior to completion of the final deliverable. This includes pulling all necessary permits, removing portions of structures, obtaining samples and testing them for characteristics that could potentially improve the quality of the final deliverable for the base scenario. 3.6.2. Structural Assessment for an Occupied Office Space Scenario The attic should be reviewed for structural integrity to ensure it can withstand the base loading scenario in addition to employee occupancy of the space for 40 hours per week (8 hours per day for 5 days). Prior to the assessment, the selected proposer and WCW will discuss loading scenario details. 3.6.3. As-needed Destructive Testing for an Occupied Office Space Scenario Arrange for on-site destructive testing to occur prior to completion of the final deliverable. This includes pulling all necessary permits, removing portions of structures, obtaining samples and testing them for characteristics that could potentially improve the quality of the final deliverable for the scenario that includes the base scenario and employee occupancy of the space for 40 hours per week (8 hours per day for 5 days). West County Wastewater District ("WCW") is seeking proposals from qualified firm(s) to provide structural integrity services (assessment) for the Hilltop Admin. Bldg. ("Services"), as further detailed in Section 3, Scope of Services. If approved by WCW's Board of Directors, the successful Proposer will execute an agreement in the form of Attachment A for a one (1) year base term with up to four (4) one year option terms. WCW provides wastewater collection and treatment services to approximately 100,000 residents. WCW is a political subdivision of the State of California and operates as an independent special district. WCW's current political boundaries are comprised of the City of San Pablo, a portion of the City of Richmond, a portion of the City of Pinole, and some unincorporated areas within western Contra Costa County. WCW's system includes 249 miles of gravity sewer pipelines, 17 lift stations, 6 miles of pressurized force mains, and a water quality resource recovery plant with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted capacity of 12.5 million gallons per day. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 14, 2023


2910 Hilltop Dr, Richmond, CA

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RFP - Structural Integrity Services (Assessment)

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