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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Worcester Township, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a road / highway; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The Base Contract will generally include the overlay of nine (9) Township Roadways (43,996 SY/4,175 TON). The Base Contract work along Township roadways will also include 183 LF of concrete curb replacement, 2 EA Type C inlet top replacements, 41 EA sanitary sewer manhole grade adjustments, 1,843 SY of pavement repair, 7,227 LF of curbline/intersection/driveway milling and 676 TON leveling/scratch course. The Base Contract work at Heebner Park will generally include 50 LF of curbline/intersection/driveway milling, 45 TON of leveling/scratch course (parking area), 400 TON wearing course (parking area), 1 EA traffic calming device (parking area - complete in place), the placement of pavement markings in the parking area and 5,560 SY of paved trail (505 TON). The Base Contract work at Mount Kirk Park will generally include 75 LF of curbline/intersection/driveway milling, 325 TON base course (parking area), 204 TON wearing course (parking area), 1 EA traffic calming device (parking area - complete in place), parking area pavement markings and 840 SY of paved trail (75 TON). The Base Contract work at Zacharias Trail will generally include 140 SY of paved trail (15 TON). Alternate/Add-On No. 1 will generally include the full-width mill and overlay of Cedar Hill Road (3,856 SY/350 TON). The work will also include the replacement of 1 EA Type C inlet top, 60 TON of leveling/scratch course and the replacement of 1 EA 2' x 10' stop bar. Alternate/Add-On No. 2 will generally include the overlay of Hedwig Lane (680 TON). The work will also include 25 LF of concrete curb replacements, 7 EA Type C inlet top replacements, 50 SY of pavement repair, 4,298 LF of curbline/intersection/driveway milling and 100 TON of leveling/scratch course. Alternate/Add-On No. 3 will generally include the overlay of Broadview Lane. The work will also include 407 LF of curbline/intersection/driveway milling and 20 TON of leveling/scratch course Attachment #1 of PennDOT Proposal and Contract MS-944 (Pages 3A-1 to 3A-3), as well as the "Summary of Estimated Quantities" (Pages 3B-1 to 3B-4), contained in the Proposal and Contract Section of the Contract Documents, provides the quantities for each roadway. The "Instructions to Bidders" section describes the bidding requirements under this Contract. All work and materials shall be in accordance with PennDOT Standards and Specifications. All bidders on this project must be pre-qualified by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 102.01 of PennDOT Specifications Publication 408, latest edition. This project is subject to the terms and conditions of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Industry and, therefore, must be bid as such. The project is subject to the terms of the Public Works Employment Verification Act (Act 127 of 2012). Completed and signed "Public Works Employment Verification Form" is required as a precondition to the award of the Contract and is to be submitted as part of the submission of bid. Clarification Deadline:5/4/2022 4:00 PM


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Worcester Township, PA

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