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Published April 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Carrington, North Dakota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Foster County Water Resource District (District), a political subdivision in Foster County, North Dakota, hereby solicits Statements of Qualifications for engineering consulting services for 2022 through 2025. The District may occasionally request cost-share participation from the North Dakota State Water Commission regarding various project development, design, and construction activities. In accordance with the State Water Commissions cost-share policies, the District must conduct an engineering services selection process at least every three years to qualify for cost-sharing regarding project engineering and development. This request for Statements of Qualification satisfies the State Water Commissions cost-share requirements. The District is seeking general engineering services and consulting to assist and advise the District regarding all proceedings and projects of the District, including, but not necessarily limited to: surveys; inspections and maintenance; development, study, survey design, bidding contract administration, and right-of-way acquisition regarding new projects; improvements to the Districts existing projects; snagging and clearing projects; assessment district development; negotiation with road authorities, railroads, and other entities on the District's behalf; regulation cooperation and interaction with the Districts staff, legal counsel, and other consultants; and otherwise performing all other tasks as necessary to act on the District's behalf. Statements should include: name, address, and brief description of the engineer or firm; resumes of key personnel to be assigned to provide the District services; a one-page narrative as to the engineers or firm's interest, particular abilities, and qualifications related to these services; description of other projects designed by this engineer or firm and key personnel pertinent to the types of projects provided by these services; and examples of knowledge, expertise, and/or experience with other related work. In addition, the Statements should include three or more references from previous clients for similar engineering services performed. For each reference, please provide a contact person, information about the type of project or services, the year the project or services was undertaken, the total actual versus estimated cost of the project, and the name of the engineer in charge of the project. The Districts Selection Committee will review said statements and reserves to itself the right to take such action as it deems in its best interests. The Selection Committee will evaluate each of the persons or firms who submit statements based on the following criteria: past performance; ability of professional personnel; willingness to meet time and budget requirements; recent, current, and projected workloads of the persons or firms; related experience on similar projects and services; and recent and current work for the District. Pursuant to N.D. Century Code, chapter 54-44.7, higher priority will be given to engineers or firms that are headquartered in North Dakota. The Selection Committee will evaluate all statements and will rank engineers or firms based on the above criteria. Up to three or more engineers or firms may be selected for interviews with the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will provide written notice of its decision to all engineers or firms that submit a Statement of Qualifications. The District reserves the right, in its discretion, to waive any deficiencies in any submissions, and to accept or reject any and all Qualification Statements submitted. The District is not responsible for the costs of proposal or interview preparation. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 9, 2022


Multiple Locations, Carrington, ND

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