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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Longwood, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Seminole County Leisure Services Department is seeking a contractor to provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to construct an overflow parking lot for the Soldiers Creek Complex located at 2400 S.R. 419 in Longwood. The project shall include, but is not limited to excavation and fill, grading, storm drainage system, concrete work, asphalt, striping, parking lot signage, sod, etc. Seminole County would like a base bid that includes grass parking with wheel stops, sidewalk and storm water infrastructure with an alternate to include an asphalt parking lot. The existing parking lot that was constructed as part of the complex improvements does not have the capacity to fulfill the needs of visitors during big tournaments and special events. Seminole County is proposing to construct an overflow parking lot with an additional 97 spaces to help accommodate during these times. REQUIREMENTS: 1.Contractor shall be responsible to obtain all necessary permitting and pay all associated fees required to complete this project, which include but are not limited to right of way use permit, NPDES for storm water discharge, dewatering, building, etc. Seminole County has already obtained Environmental Resource Permit from SJRWMD and Seminole County site plan permit. 2.In order to meet NPDES requirements, the Contractor shall be responsible for preparing a Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), implementing, inspecting, maintaining, and reporting on all elements of the SWPPP, completing and submitting the required Notice of Intent (NOI) and Notice of Termination (NOT) forms as the Operator, and paying all associated fees. 3.During construction, the contractor shall abide by all regulatory requirements, local codes and standards. 4.The contractor shall provide Seminole County with a plan of action for this project to include but not limited to MOT, ingress and egress of construction vehicles, staging area,etc. At no time is any equipment or materials to cross over the identified wetland lines. 5.Contractor shall be responsible to make sure that the project site is safely secured from the public during non-operational hours through the duration of the project by providing proper signage, barricades, temporary fencing, gates, etc. 6.All areas affected by work performed shall be repaired to pre-construction conditions including but not limited to asphalt, concrete, sod, utilities, etc. 7.It shall be the contractor's responsibility to coordinate with employees, subcontractors and suppliers to assure compliance with schedules. 8.It shall be the contractor's responsibility to coordinate with all utilities regarding locates, testing or relocations if applicable. 9.The contractor shall coordinate the installation of the parking lot lighting with Duke Energy and associated subcontractors. 10.Due to previously scheduled tournaments, no work shall be performed during these dates. Question End Date 5/22/2022 5:00 PM Bid Bond Required Yes Bid Bond Amount 5% Performance Bond Required Yes Performance Bond Amount 100% of Contract Price

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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2400 FL-419, Longwood, FL

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