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Published April 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Coos Bay, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Contractor will provide expertise necessary for a technical, science-based review of the aquatic protection provisions of the Administrative Draft Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for the Elliott State Forest. Work will be performed on behalf of, and under the supervision of, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Contractor will be a member of the NMFS team that is undertaking regulatory review of the HCP submittal of the Oregon Department of State Lands. Contractor's work will focus on the technical and scientific aspects of the biological underpinnings of the conservation measures proposed in the submission to NMFS relating salmonid species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act. Other determinations and decisions relating to proposed terms and conditions of the permit sought by the Department of State Lands will be the responsibility of staff and management of NMFS. Contractor's review and input would be expected to include but not be limited to activities such as the following: o Reviewing, assessing, and advising NMFS staff on the best available science applicable to evaluating aquatic provisions proposed in the DSL draft HCP; o Evaluating consistency of proposed provisions with available science; o Communicating orally and in writing with aquatic experts representing the Department of State Lands to discuss questions regarding aquatic provisions in the proposed HCP and related scientific underpinnings and rationale. o Attend meetings with NMFS project staff and management, as well as technical meetings attended by NMFS project staff and representatives of the Department of State Lands. o Provide written comments on draft HCP aquatic provisions as needed by NMFS project team and the Department of State Lands to refine and finalize draft HCP terms and conditions. Qualifications: o Minimum Qualifications: o PhD degree in Fisheries Science o At least 10 years experience performing scientific research and/or professional work experience addressing technical aspects related to assessing and evaluating fish habitat and conservation strategies in managed forest ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. o Preferred Qualifications o Demonstrated research and/or professional work experience assessing and evaluating Northwest forest management practices and harvest activities in relation to salmonid habitat. o Demonstrated understanding of aquatic conservation strategies for salmonids in actively managed forested landscapes. o Publication of peer-reviewed scientific studies/articles relating to protection and management of aquatic species in actively managed forested landscapes of the Pacific Northwest


Conservation and Development

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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To Be Determined, Coos Bay, OR

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