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Published June 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Minot AFB, North Dakota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

MACC PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be acquired under the solicitation is for the Contractor to engineer, furnish, install and test (EFI&T) new infrastructure and single mode (SM) fiber optic cable (FOC) in support of Minot AFB, ND. Work under this IDIQ could include fiber optic cable, underground conduit, duct bank, handholes, manholes, and other communications requirements as will be further defined by each task order SOW. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, tools, materials, supplies, transportation, labor, supervision, management, and other incidentals necessary to meet the requirements as stated in this SOW and task order documents. The Contractor shall comply with the current Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) telecommunication installation and testing commercial standard and base installation standards. All equipment, supplies, and materials provided shall be new and not refurbished. This is an indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract with no pre-established fixed contract prices. The actual amount of work to be performed and the time of such performance will be determined by the Contracting Officer, and each subsequent Task Order. DESCRIPTION OF SUBSEQUENT TASK ORDERS 1. The Government may solicit offers for projects for which funds are not certified nor readily available. These are referred as Authority to Advertise (ATA). 2. Task Orders will range from $500.00 to $1,000,000.00, with most Task Orders falling in the range of $50,000.00 to $500,000.00. TASK ORDER PROCEDURES 1. As the need exists for performance under the terms of this contract, the Contracting Officer or his/her representative will notify the contractor of an existing requirement, and Firm Fixed Price Task Orders will be awarded within the scope of the terms and conditions and specifications of this contract IAW FAR 16.505. A site visit will be scheduled with the contractor to verify elements of work. The contractor shall submit a proposal IAW the Task Order SOW, specifications, or drawings specified by the Contracting Officer in the individual Fair Opportunity Proposal Request (FOPR). 2. A FOPR will be issued to solicit projects under the MACC following the award of the "seed" project. In addition, the FOPR may also include but is not limited to, the following, as applicable, based on the level of work required: a. Government prepared SOW, sketches, drawings, and any available as-built, specifications, or design information. b. Submittal requirements. 3. Upon receipt of the contractors' proposals, the Government will evaluate the proposals for completeness and reasonableness utilizing the evaluation procedures outlined in the Task Order FOPR. Task Order award will be made to the contractor providing the lowest price or best value basis as described in the Task Order FOPR after price is determined to be fair and reasonable by the Contracting Officer. a. The Government reserves the right to conduct Interchanges through Interchange Notices (IN) with one, some, none, or all Offerors at its discretion. b. Offerors may not be offered an opportunity to revise their proposal as a result of Interchanges. c. Proposals shall be valid for at least 120 days, unless specified otherwise in the FOPR. 4. Restriction from Competition. Contractors MAY also be restricted from competition on individual Task Orders if, at the time of Task Order FOPR issuance, any of the following conditions apply: a. The Contractor has five active Task Orders. b. The Contractor is more than 5% behind schedule on any active Task Orders (barring those that are behind due to Government delays). c. If the Contractor has received an unfavorable CPARS rating on any Task Orders within the previous calendar year. d. Should conditions listed above be alleviated and/or change, the Contracting Officer may determine the contractor to be eligible for competition on subsequent Task Orders. e. Additionally restricted competition may be based on work requiring special skills or trades, or urgent and compelling schedules. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to award a Task Order without competition based upon a determination that: i. The agency need for the supplies or services are so urgent that providing a fair opportunity would result in unacceptable delays; ii. Only one awardee is capable of providing the supplies or services required at the level of quality required because the supplies or services being ordered are unique or highly specialized; iii. The order must be issued on a sole-source basis in the interest of economy and efficiency as a logical follow-on to an order already issued under the contract, provided that all awardees were given a fair opportunity to be considered for the original order. TASK ORDER PERFORMANCE PERIOD 1. The only work authorized under this MACC will be issued by a Task Order. The Government makes no representation as to the number of Task Orders or actual amount of work to be ordered in excess of the minimum guarantees specified herein. 2. The performance period shall be identified by the Government in the design package, as a not to exceed (NTE) date, stipulated in calendar days. The proposals containing performance periods exceeding the NTE date stipulated within the FOPR may be considered unacceptable. FAR Clause 52.211-10, Commencement, Prosecution and Completion of Work will be incorporated into each Task Order identifying the construction schedule. The Government reserves the right to negotiate a performance period or impose a performance period for each Task Order. If the performance period is negotiable, it will be stated as such, in the FOPR. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS 1. At the conclusion of each Task Order, IAW FAR 42.1502(e), the contractor's performance will be evaluated and input into the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS). Task Orders exceeding $700,000, require past performance evaluation into CPARS. However, Task Order's not meeting this threshold, at the discretion of the Contracting Officer, may be evaluated for performance and input into the CPARS. 2. The evaluation will take into account all aspects of the contractor's performance. Performance evaluations may be completed at any time the Contractor's performance is considered less than satisfactory. Contractors will be provided a copy of the performance evaluation and an opportunity to discuss the evaluation. The performance evaluations may have an impact on the award of future Task Orders. ON/OFF RAMP PROCEDURES 1. On-Ramp. The Government intends to maintain a pool of three (3) 100% service disabled veteran owned small business contractors with a proven track record for competing on and then delivering quality construction projects. When an on-ramp is used, the Government will utilize this pools of 100% service disabled veteran owned small business contractors, and awardees shall meet the criteria established in the initial MACC solicitation. The offeror chosen to be on-ramped will be the most highly rated offeror in the pool as determined by the integrated assessment. Any on-ramped awardees will compete with any existing or remaining MACC contractors for all Task Orders (excluding the need to meet the minimum obligation amount). Any additions due to on-ramps will not increase the contract ceiling and the ordering period for new awardees will not exceed the overall maximum term of the original contract. The Government reserves the right to not utilize on-ramps when it is determined to be in the best interest of the Government. 2. Off-Ramp. The Government reserves the right to utilize off-ramps when it is determined to be in the best interest of the Government; including, but not limited to, a contractor's lack of participation in competition or Task Orders, poor performance, change of ownership, etc. IT/Fiber Infrastructure MACC IDIQ contractors are highly encouraged to submit a proposal for every FOPR under the IDIQ contract. Be advised, in order to maintain active participation on the IT/Fiber Infrastructure MACC IDIQ; contractors shall propose on the majority of the FOPRs issued during the base period or option period. If for any reason, an awardee cannot participate in a competition, the awardee shall provide written notice to the Government of reason(s) for non-participation prior to proposal due date. Participation will be tracked and monitored by Government personnel; failures by IT/Fiber Infrastructure MACC IDIQ contractors to participate in site visits and submit proposals may result in the Government off-ramping, not exercising the option to extend the contract, or exclusion of the contractor from further competition. Throughout the lifetime of the IT/Fiber Infrastructure MACC IDIQ, the Government will evaluate each awardees' participation, reason(s) for non-participation, and Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) performance evaluations for task orders completed or in progress. An awardee rated as Satisfactory in all rated categories may remain in the competition pool. Failure to participate in good faith and/or a task order performance assessment ratings of Marginal or Unsatisfactory under the CPARS rating system may result in the awardee being off-ramped from the multiple award contract. An off-ramp decision results in contractor removal from the MACC competition pool and no further awards of task orders. The Government may off-ramp a contractor by implementing either a termination for convenience, a termination for default, or not exercising the option period depending on the circumstances. 10. Project Magnitude: Between $25,000 and $100,000. Questions and Answers/Assumptions and Exceptions: Contractors are cautioned that all communications are to be channeled through the Contracting Officer. Any questions whether technical or contractual in nature shall be submitted in writing. Questions and Answers may be submitted in writing to the Contract Administrator, TSgt Jonathan Panganiban, jonathan.panganiban@us.af.mil by 26 May 2022, Questions will be consolidated and responses will be forwarded to all contractors through an amendment to solicitation FA4528-22-R-0006. No further questions will be addressed on this project after this date. Contractors shall address any assumptions and proposed exceptions to the Contracting Officer in their proposal. 7. This FOPR is not authorization to begin performance, and in no way obligates the Government for any costs incurred by the offeror associated with developing a proposal. The Government reserves the right not to award an order in response to this FOPR. Prior to commencement of any activities associated with performance of this requirement, the Government will issue a written directive or a contractual document signed by the Contracting Officer with appropriate consideration established. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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To Be Determined, Minot AFB, ND

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