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Site work for a water / sewer project in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of June 8, 2022, project was awarded to J&A Excavation, Inc., awarded amount is $109,889.60** Bids are invited for the furnishing of materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to stabilize and armor approximately 430 linear feet of drainage ditch banks and bottom. CONTRACT TIME 90 WORKING DAYS If there are any questions related to the process of obtaining plans from the electronically please contact the Plan House at 228-248-0181. A certified check or bank draft payable to the order of JACKSON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, negotiable U. S. Government bonds (at par value), or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid for the Jackson County Board of Supervisors, "MAID MARION DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS", shall be submitted with each bid. For bids exceeding $50,000, Bidder must write the name of the bidder and his Certificate of Responsibility Number on outside of sealed proposal as required by Mississippi Law. For bids not exceeding $50,000, Bidder must either indicate his Certificate Number, or else write clearly "Bid does not exceed $50,000 Bidders are hereby notified that any proposal accompanied by letters qualifying in any manner the condition under which the proposal is tendered will be considered an irregular bid and such proposal may not be considered in making the award. The Board of Supervisors designated representatives will meet at the time and in place first stated in this Notice and will then and there open, read aloud, consider and take action as they may determine on bids received in accordance with this Notice The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, including without limitation, nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional bids. The County further reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder whom it finds, after reasonable inquiry and evaluation, to not be responsible. The County may also reject the bid of any bidder if the County believes that it would not be in its best interest to make an award to that bidder. The County reserves the right to waive all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the work and to negotiate contract terms with the successful bidder. In compliance with the laws of the State of Mississippi, in choosing materials for the project, the successful bidder shall be required to give preference to materials grown, produced, prepared, made or manufactured within the State of Mississippi. The foregoing notwithstanding, no preference shall be given to materials grown, produced, prepared, made or manufactured in the State of Mississippi when other materials of like quality produced outside the State of Mississippi may be purchased or secured at less cost, or any other materials of better quality produced outside the State of Mississippi can be secured at a reasonable cost. The Contractor shall not use any materials on the project that are grown, produced, prepared, made or manufactured outside of the United States. If such materials are not available, then those which are grown, produced, prepared, made or manufactured outside the United States may be used. *The value for this project is based on a financial range of $100,000 - $150,000. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. SCOPE OF WORK This contract consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to construct the project as specified herein (grade and shape the banks and bottom of the drainage ditch known as Maid Marion Drainage, from the mouth to a reinforced concrete pipe, and install hi performance turf reinforcement matting and gabion mattresses on the bank to armor and stabilize the banks). Items of work include, but are not limited to the following: o Remove any concrete debris, brush or other material that would interfere with bank stabilization materials. o Excavate and smooth ditch banks to ensure matting and mattresses will have full contact with the underlying soils. o Prepare and seed soils where matting will be installed. o Install hi performance turf reinforcement matting and gabion mattresses.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

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June 24, 2022


Maid Marion Dr, Pascagoula, MS

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