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Published June 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in New York, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

There are 2 addendums for this project available on MTA's procurement website. DESCRIPTION: The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), by and through the MTA Construction & Development Company (MTA C&D), seeks to identify and engage a qualified Design-Builder to perform the design and construction Work under the terms of Contract C40853, which calls for the replacement of the existing Central Alarm Monitoring System (CAMS) and fire alarm systems and sprinklers, as well as limited extension/expansion of system at certain locations, throughout stations and MTA facilities in the Boroughs of Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan and Queens Funding: 100% MTA Goals:15% MBE; 15% WBE; 6% SDVOB Est $ Range: $50M - $100M Contract Term: 56 Months This project will replace both the Access Control and Fire Alarm monitoring capabilities of the existing CAMS, CCure 8000. As part of this portion of the work, Respondent will provide new head end hardware, operating system and application software, and professional services. Migration/replication of existing system databases, and any necessary certification or recertification training will also be required. Respondent will also commission and integrate the new CAMS with new and existing fire alarm and access control panels. The existing CAMS headend systems will be replaced at the two (2) locations where the current CAMS headend systems are located: the primary location at Rail Control Center (345 West 54th Street, Manhattan), and the backup location at 130 Livingston Street, Brooklyn. An additional three (3) locations will also require hardware, including workstations, for a total of five (5) workstations at the locations listed below: # Location 1 RCC (354 West 54 th Street) 2 130 Livingston Street, Brooklyn NY 3 29-76 northern Blvd. (EMD Facility) 4 2020 Broadway EMD Facility 5 2 Broadway (11th Floor) Fire alarm and sprinkler systems will also be replaced under this Project in the twenty-one (21) subway stations and other MTA-facilities identified in the table below. This portion of the Work includes new fire alarm control panels, as well as remote annunciators, initiating devices, notification devices, and other equipment, including but not limited to, solenoid valves, tamper and water switches, water sensors, and heat tracers. Equipment will be installed within HVAC, vertical transportation, and other equipment/locations, and will be commercially proven and code compliant replacements. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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RFP D/B - C40853 Design-Build Services for CAMS and Fire Alarm System and Sprinklers Replacement

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