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Renovation of a municipal facility in Sparta, North Carolina. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Alleghany County is seeking bids for the construction of a tipping floor expansion and repair to the existing tipping floor at the Transfer Facility located at 431 Osborne Rd. Sparta, NC 28675. The existing metal that is now on the floor will need to be taken up and disposed of at the Transfer Facility. Demolition of the asphalt area in front of the building for the building to be extended 30' X 50' and can be disposed of at the facility. New concrete a minimum of 4000psi with fiber, approved vapor barrier, standard rebar/wire in place to provide reinforcement to the tipping floor itself and connected to the existing floor. This is for the use of heavy equipment poured 6" deep on the new expansion with a berm located at the entrance, and no less than 4" on the existing floor depending on the condition of the floor under the metal. The floor will need to slope to the back of the building for the liquid to drain into the pit where the trailer is loaded for collection. Push walls will need to be constructed and poured 8' high angled from front to back that will stop at the existing building on approved footers with concrete on two sides for containment of solid waste, and the existing push walls inside the existing structure will need to be repaired. All rebar is to be added to the footer and push walls as per building code. The 30' X 50' expansion will need to be constructed using 12" block walls to a height on top of the push walls consistent with the existing building with stick-built walls for the remaining height, and premade trusses for the roof structure. The roof and siding material to match the existing roof and sides as closely as possible. Lighting inside with proper lumens for adequate lighting with a light also on the front of the building, and two receptacles one on each side with all required wiring to be installed at the time of construction. The block wall on the back of the building will need to be repaired and or replaced with 12" block poured with the same strength concrete material as the floor and push walls. A skirt will need to be installed around the walls of the pit where the trailer is loaded to contain solid waste that all waste will fall into the trailer. The skirt will be a wood stick-built structure with 3/4'" plywood covered with 22ga coil stock for a flat surface so waste will not hang up on the skirt. A roll up door will need to be reinstalled on one end of the pit at a height consistent with the existing building. The drain that is in the pavement in front of the existing tipping floor will need to be moved. This drain is for rainwater only. New asphalt will need to be installed to tie the surface in front of the building to the concrete on the floor. For this project, the successful bidder will be required to submit proof of workers compensation insurance, an appropriate Bid Bond, and suitable liability insurance consisting of a minimum of $1 million per occurrence, and $2 million aggregate identifying Alleghany County as the additional name insured. Insurance coverage must remain in effect for the duration of the contract. For additional information, please contact David Spicer, Alleghany County Public Works Director at 336- 657-0769 or Alleghany County reserves the right to refuse any and all bids, to waive any irregularities that may exist in the bid process, and to accept any other than the lowest bid if deemed in the best interest of Alleghany County.

Final Planning



Public - County


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September 23, 2022

October 24, 2022


431 Osborne Rd, Sparta, NC

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