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Published April 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Laconia, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The WRBP owns and operates the wastewater collection and treatment system serving 10 Lakes Region communities. The work under this contract involves earthwork repair services on an as-needed or emergency basis: such as repairs to roadways, culverts, swales, force mains, gravity interceptor sewers which range in size from 8-60 inches. There may also be projects for which services may be required relating to other existing buildings and structures within the WRBP system. Below is a listing of typical assignments that may be performed under this contract. - Repair or replacement of a failed culvert crossing in WRBP owned or maintained road or rightof-way. - Excavation and repair of a blocked or failed section of sewer line or forcemain or drainage structure under the control of the WRBP program. - Repair to a section of interceptor or associated appurtenances that is threatened with failure due to erosion of a slope or filled area in a WRBP right of way. - Grading and restoration of drainage around WRBP pump stations. It is envisioned that each work project to be performed under this contract will involve an effort of less than 40 hours. Questions regarding this proposal should be directed to Tim Pelletier at the WRBP Laconia Maintenance shop at timothy.p.pelletier@des.nh.gov (603) 527-9529 or Sharon McMillin at the Franklin Wastewater Treatment Facility at Sharon.a.mcmillin@des.nh.gov (603) 934-4032. The WRBP reserves the right to reject or accept all or any part of any proposal, to determine what constitutes a conforming proposal, to determine if a contractor is qualified to perform the work, to award the contract solely as it deems to be in the best interest of the NHDES, and to waive irregularities that it considers not material to the proposal. (1) Contract award is based on the total cost a menu of services consisting of three (3) events requiring as-needed or emergency services in each fiscal year. Three service events occurring in FY23, three in FY24, and three in FY 25 with each Event including the following: a) staff and equipment (one each of Midi Class excavator w/operator, dump truck w/driver, loader w/operator and one laborer and one foreman) for forty (40) hours of time, b) $2,000 sand and gravel cost to contractor plus contractor's quoted markup for materials c) $2,000 cost to contractor plus quoted markup for pipe and other materials. d) 100 miles total travel cost and mobilization of the three pieces of equipment indicated above, and e) $2,000 other supplies cost to contractor plus contractor's quoted markup. (2) The contract price limitation is based upon the sum of three (3) events requiring as-needed or emergency services per fiscal year over the contract period as calculated in the basis of award above. Contract time period is from July 1, 2022 or from Governor and Counsel approval if after July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025 with the ability to adjust encumbrances in each of the state fiscal years through the Budget Office if needed and justified and is contingent upon the availability and continued appropriation of funds (3) Contractor to be paid within thirty (30) days of submission of invoice at satisfactory completion of work. Approval of this contract does not authorize any expenditure over the price limitation. (4) State FY23 starts July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023. State FY24 starts July 1, 2023 and ends June 30, 2024. State FY25 starts July 1, 2024 and ends June 30, 2025.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Laconia, NH

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