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Published May 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Covington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The City of Covington, Kentucky, is seeking a Contractor to provide restoration/service/remodel to the Carroll Chimes Bell Tower located in Goebel Park, 501 Philadelphia Street, Covington, KY 41011. Contractors shall provide services related restoration/service/ remodel of the Carroll Chimes Clock Tower as follows: Provide all safety, material, labor & equipment to complete the following work Provide ground protection, pedestrian and traffic control Supply man lifts to complete work Remove all vines & vegetation Install copper rain table, all seams hand soldered. Replace counter flashing at lower rear and upper front copper roofs Pressure wash entire Bell Tower as specified in pictures Grind & tuck point open or cracked mortar joints over 1/16 of an inch (200 LF) Install new European 18oz copper half round gutters at rear lower standing seam roof; Completed with new 4" round downspouts in aluminum Remove 4 rowlocks pier caps & rebuild Replace wood and repair cupola and paint. Repair and replace bad wood timber as needed on upper clock tower and then paint Remove & rebuild double rowlock ban all 4 sides Grind out 4 ledge angles Prime, Pack with backer rod & Caulk all ledge angles using Dow Corning 795 Final cleaning of Bell Tower Waterproof entire Bell Tower as specified in the pictures using Prosoco WB Water Repellent Final cleanup Excludes: any interior masonry work (Note: Photo of Work Area attached as Attachment A) Said bids will be tabulated and referred to the City Manager for recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and waive any informalities. Deadline for Vendor Questions or Clarification. Thursday, May 12, 2022. Vendor questions & answers will be posted. Additional questions may be directed to the City's Procurement Manager, Lindy Jenkins at LJenkins@covingtonky.gov, or 859-292-2178. The City shall answer any questions that Bidders may have prior to the submission deadline. All questions should be submitted in writing by electronic mail directly to Lindy Jenkins, Procurement Manager at LJenkins@covingtonky.gov. All answered questions shall be made available via the City's website. It shall be Bidder's obligation to reference the City's website, as needed, prior to submission of a Bid. It is each Bidder's responsibility to read this solicitation in its entirety, and fully acquaint themselves with the scope of services outlined herein. The failure of the Bidder to do the foregoing does not relieve the Bidder from any obligation with respect to the Bid submitted. If any Bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, the Bidder should submit a written request for an interpretation.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 24, 2022

June 23, 2022


501 Philadelphia St, Covington, KY

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