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Published June 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Dover, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of June 22, 2022, this project has not yet been awarded. The project is expected to be awarded on July 13, 2022. cope of Work o Identify and repair locations of water intrusions including, but not limited to: Gold leaf dome Copper roofing Metal sheeting Clock faces o Replace, repair and re-secure wooden blockings throughout base of dome as some are missing and or will need to be repositioned or re-secured. o Scrape steel shaft cross bracing free of all loose debris. Steal shaft and cross bracing shall be repaired or replaced as necessary. Apply one full prime coat of Rustoleum primer, two full coasts of Rustoleum black satin to all steel bracing at this level. o Repair / replace louvers that are missing at bell tower level. o Evaluate wiring within bell / clock tower; ensure all installation is code compliant. (Coordinate with Inspection Services) o Install one outlet below each of the six windows at lower level of clock tower. o Remove 100% of the wooden bead board ceiling above bell and replace with new water proof to match appearance as closely to original boards. o Scrape and sand exterior dome including weather vane, components and finial. Clean all loose debris. Re-solder weather vane, components and dome joints where needed. Apply (1) prime coat Rustoleum black primer to all black metal components. Apply two full coats of yellow enamel to components which have gold leaf applied, apply 23 karat gold leaf to all yellow components. Gold leaf shall carry a 25-30 year life expectancy. o Repair clock hands and mechanism as needed. o Replace clock glass on clock face on front of the building, all glass panels shall have a consistent color and clarity. o Replace roof access door at lower level of clock tower, with an exterior steel door. o Scrape/paint exterior of windows, re-glaze if needed, and paint all wood surfaces of the window. Paint color to be determined by owner. o Scrape and paint all exterior surfaces that were formerly painted white, paint color to be determined by owner. Any questions or inquiries must be submitted in writing, and, in order to be considered, must be received by the Purchasing Agent (l.simmons@dover.nh.gov) no later than seven (7) calendar days before the Request for Proposals due date and time. Any changes to the Request for Proposals will be provided to all Proposers of record. The City anticipates the project to be complete by December 31, 2022. A Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid price must accompany the bid. Payment and performance bonds equal to 100% of the project will be required from the winning vendor. Please see Attachment A for bonding and insurance requirements. All State of NH & local codes, permits and licensing requirements must be met by anyone performing work on City property. Vendor will be required to obtain all required permits prior to commencing any work. Local permit fees will be waived by the City. Copies of such permits and licenses will be forwarded to the Purchasing Agent prior to the start of work. Please see Attachment A for additional information. The City of Dover reserves the right to waive any formality, informality, information and/or errors in the proposals submitted and the right to reject any or all proposals at its discretion and to accept the proposal which will be in the best interest of the City; or to purchase on the open market if it is considered in the best interest of the City to do so.

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288 Central Ave, Dover, NH

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