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Published May 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Town of Beaver Polk County, WI The Town of Beaver is accepting proposals for summer & winter town maintenance and ditch mowing. Contractors may submit proposals for one or both bid options. Bid 1 Summer & Winter Town Maintenance: Proposals will be accepted for summer and winter maintenance including but not limited to grading of gravel roads once in the spring, once before freeze up and additionally as directed by the Town Board. filling of potholes and minor repairs as needed installation and repair of signage. storm damage clean-up. other projects as directed by the Town Board. Specialty projects may require additional bidding. plowing of all town roads in the event of a two (2) inch snowfall or as directed by the Town Board. plowing of town hall parking lot and clearing of sidewalk and doorway plowing of parking / landing area of Town of Beaver Park. winging of town roads as directed by Town Board. salting / sanding of town roads and intersections attendance at all board meetings to report problem areas 24 / 7 on-call availability is required to deal with summer storm clean-up (windstorms, down trees, road washouts, etc.) and winter snow and ice storms (drifting, ice control, down trees, etc.) Town Board shall have access to emergency contact phone numbers. Proposals must include an hourly rate for all equipment including operator. The Town of Beaver will be responsible for the purchase of salt / sand. Contractor is responsible for all equipment expenses and repairs. BID 2 Ditch Mowing / Brushing: Bids will be accepted for ditch mowing and brushing within the road right-of-way of approximately 46 road miles of town road. Proposals must include quote for two (2) mowings from the edge of the road shoulder to the bottom of the road ditch. The first mowing to be 2 passes completed no later than July 4th of each year and the second mowing to be 3 passes by Labor Day unless otherwise directed by the Town Board. Requirements of all (Bid 1 and 2) proposals: photos of equipment letter of credit or lease agreement on equipment (if applicable) proof of worker's compensation & liability insurance $2,000,000 minimum A one (1) year contract with up to four (4) yearly renewals upon review will be awarded to the successful bidder(s). Annual adjustment can be negotiated annually based on inflation. The Town of Beaver reserves the right to reject any and all bids and choose the bids most advantageous to the Town. For specific duties or questions, contact Ethan Yeske at 715-986-2065.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Turtle Lake, WI

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