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Published May 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Sutton, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SITE VISITS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRIOR TO PROVIDING A QUOTE. SEE CLAUSE 52.236-27 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE DIRECT ALL QUESTIONS TO AMY ORWIG AT (304) 399-5664 or amy.b.orwig@usace.army.mil. ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED AT THE SITE VISIT WHICH CONFLICTS WITH THIS SOLICITATION SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF MRS. ORWIG. THE SOLICITATION AND RESULTING CONTRACT SHALL BE THE GOVERNING DOCUMENT IN ALL CASES. QUOTES CAN ONLY BE E-MAILED TO AMY ORWIG AT amy.b.orwig@usace.army.mil by the date referenced on page one of the SF18. Per FAR 36.204 the estimated price range for this project is between $25,000 and $100,000. NOTE: Award will be made to the lowest price offeror who meets the technical requirements of the solicitation and is deemed responsible by the contracting officer. The intent is to award without discussions. NOTE: this procurement is 100% Total Set-Aside for Small Business. For more information see FAR Clause 52.219-6 (Dev). 1. General: Contractor shall furnish all equipment and labor to necessary to properly remove/dispose of current Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) roof and underlayment. Contractor shall prepare concrete roof surface for replacement and install new EPDM roofing system with proper grade and drainage to existing center drain on roof, approximately 1,400 square feet. Asbestos removal was conducted during previous roof installation. Access to roof is via ladder and hatch in center of roof. U.S. Army Corps will supply crane for lifting/lowering supplies to top of roof from dam roadway surface. Photos of roof provided in Exhibit A. 2. Scope of Work and Information: A. Contractor shall remove current EPDM rubber material as well as underlayment materials to the bare concrete. Contractor shall dispose of materials properly and prepare site for installation. B. Contractor shall install EPDM rubber roofing that meets ASTMD4637/D463M-10 Standard Specifications for single ply roof membrane. All materials shall be of high quality and free from defect at time of install and come with a 20 year manufacturers warranty. C. Contractor shall install 90 mil EPDM type roof membrane according to manufacturer's recommendations. i. Concrete/drain shall be inspected and repaired if necessary prior to installation. ii. Concrete must be completely dry at time of installation. iii. Care shall be taken to ensure HVAC components on roof are not damaged during installation and are properly functioning when finished. D. Contractor shall install new tapered, rigid insulation underlayment with a minimum of 1/2 inch thickness to provide proper base for new roof and correct drainage, following all manufacturer's specifications. i. Base insulation shall be secured to concrete surface by hot asphalt mopping method or similar compatible, manufacturer's recommended method with roofing system. ii. Contractor shall ensure underlayment system is compatible with EPDM membrane and adhesive method used. iii. Contractor shall secure roof membrane to underlayment insulation system with proper adhesive or add additional substrate layer to ensure roof material will be secured properly with nothing touching the roof membrane that will cause leaks. iv. Contractor shall install roof membrane that is properly attached with minimal wrinkles and proper drainage with no areas where water will stand or pool. v. Contractor shall ensure roof membrane is one solid piece and no seams are used. E. Contractor shall install termination bars on parapet walls, chimney and roof hatch. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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To Be Determined, Sutton, WV

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