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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in West Hartford, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by the Town of West Hartford Purchasing Division to secure professional services in connection with the inspection, assessment, testing, development of work specifications and plans, and monitoring construction for residential housing and property maintenance code correction and lead-based paint hazard reduction. These services will be performed under contract with the Town on selected dwelling units eligible to participate in the West Hartford Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Town will accept proposal from a firm to provide all services, or from firms that will provide lead abatement/hazard reduction services only or rehabilitation, construction management, and code correction issues only. The Town of West Hartford is an entitlement community under the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Each year, the Town allocates a portion of its entitlement grant to fund the West Hartford Housing Rehabilitation Program (a copy of the 2019 Program Brochure is attached). These funds are used to provide financial assistance for housing and property maintenance code correction and lead-based paint hazard reduction to eligible owner-occupied and investor-owned single-family and multi-family residential properties within the Towns targeted Housing Rehabilitation Program Eligible Area. The selected individual(s) or firm(s) will work under the direction of and report to the Director of Leisure Services & Social Services, and work closely with the Community Programs Coordinator (Program Manager). The Consultant must be certified by the State of Connecticut as a Lead Planner/Project Designer to provide housing and property maintenance code correction and lead-based paint hazard control plans, specifications and contractor monitoring, and must also be certified as a Lead Inspector. Preliminary assessments must be performed within three (3) business days following the receipt of a request for assessment by the Town of West Hartford unless otherwise agreed to by the Town and Consultant. The property owner or a representative will be present for the assessment. Written reports will be provided on a form acceptable to the Town and within five (5) business days of the completion of the assessment. The term of the contract will be for two (2) years from the date of award. Upon mutual consent of the Town and the successful Consultant, this contract may be extended for up to two (2) additional years at the same terms, prices and conditions. All questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Tammy Bradley, Sr. Buyer by email only at tammyb@dwesthartfordctsov. Questions will be received until Friday, Wednesday May 11, 2022. Responses to all questions will be released via addendum shortly thereafter. This Request for Proposal and any addendum for the Request for Proposal shall be issued on the Town web page:electronically It shall be the responsibility of all interested firms to check the website for addenda prior to submitting a response to this Request for Proposal. No addendum shall be issued less than two (2) calendar days before the due date unless it is to postpone the due date. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time


Residential Subdivision

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 18, 2022


Multiple Locations, West Hartford, CT

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