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Published May 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hillsboro, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
LUT is looking for contractors to provide on-call traffic signal, street light, and fiber optic cable maintenance. The scope of work will include all labor, materials, equipment and supervision to perform serviced as required by the County. The successful bidder for Traffic Signal and Streetlight Maintenance must be pre-qualified to perform traffic signal and illumination work by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and must have a licensed Journeyman Electrician and Supervising Electrician on staff. Last Date to Submit Questions:May 20, 2022, 5:00pm Contractor Selection Date:June 3, 2022 The County reserves the right to modify this schedule at the County's discretion. Proper notification of changes in the bid closing date will be made to all bidders who have received bid documents. Bids must contain: A statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279A.120(1)(b). Confirmation that bidder will comply with the statement in the bid document regarding compliance with the provisions of ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 or 40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq. "Workers on Public Works to be Paid Not Less Than Prevailing Rate of Wage". A bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the maximum amount allowable under the contract on the County's Bid Guaranty Form may be required. The County may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the County it is in the public interest to do so. Washington County reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in the best interest of the County. Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring receipt of their bid by the Procurement Division. All bidders must be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board prior to submitting bids. Failure to be registered will be sufficient cause to reject a bid as "non- responsive." Licensing per ORS 468A.720 (working with asbestos) is not required for this project. Bidders must conform to the requirements of these bid documents and all related, applicable laws. Contractor will demonstrate that an employee drug and alcohol testing program is in place and that employees who are engaged in the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of a project (all public works projects) have tested negative for drugs and alcohol or have entered a rehabilitation program. The County does not intend to pre-qualify any bidders for this project. All bids submitted for this project will be considered provided that they meet the criteria set forth in the bid documents with respect to submission in a timely manner, bonding, and all other applicable requirements. However, all bidders will be checked against the Bureau of Labor and Industries and the Construction Contractor's Board list of contractors ineligible to receive public works contracts. Washington County is requesting sealed bids for an on call electrical traffic signal, street lighting, and fiber optic maintenance, repair, and improvements contract for Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation. The contract will be for three years with the option to renew for 2 additional one year periods. The bid and resulting contract is divided into two categories Category One: Washington County's Department of Land Use and Transportation, Engineering/Surveying Division is requesting bids for traffic signal and streetlight maintenance, repair, and improvements for County special projects and for those instances when the County cannot respond or when specialized equipment or expertise is required. Worth 1000 Points Category Two: Washington County's Department of Land Use and Transportation, Engineering/Surveying Division is requesting bids for a traffic signal loop replacement contract . Worth 100 Points Category One - Traffic Signals/Streetlight Maintenance - Materials MATERIALS TO BE BID: Price: Pricing requirements for labor and equipment is outlined in the Pricing Proposal. Price bid shall be an hourly rate standard and overtime work will be considered to be 1.5 times the standard rate. Materials shall be invoiced up to a maximum of twelve percent (12%) over the manufacturer's price list. Contractor shall include a manufacturer's price list covering all materials used with each invoice. Hours paid under this contract shall be only for productive hours at the job site. Time spent for transportation of workers, material acquisition, handling and delivery or movement of contractor owned or rental equipment is not chargeable directly but is overhead and must be included in the hourly rates for labor. Contractor will invoice the County for any flaggers used based on the appropriate BOLI wage rate. Traffic control set-up including cones, signs etc. shall be included as a separate bid item. The bid item for traffic control set-up shall include all labor, equipment, and incidentals for the actual amount of time spent setting up and taking down traffic control for the work zone. The County estimates that approximately eleven hundred (1100) man hours and three hundred and fifty (350) hours of overtime will be required annually. Note: These are best estimates only. Delivery: The successful bidder shall agree to provide emergency repairs of traffic signals and streetlights on an on-call basis twenty four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week. Response time shall be within two (2) hours from time of notification when the safety of the motoring public is involved. Normal repairs will require response within twenty four (24) hours of notification. Failure to comply with provision F (below) in a non-emergency situation, determined by the County, will result in liquidated damages of $100 per hour being assessed by the County against the Contractor, and may result in contract termination Failure to comply with this provision in an emergency situation, as determined by the County, will result in liquidated damages of $250 per hour being assessed by the County against the Contractor, and may result in contract termination. Special projects and non-emergency improvements will be scheduled. 4. Category One - Traffic Signals/Streetlight Maintenance - Specifications SPECIFICATIONS: The successful bidder must be pre-qualified to perform traffic signal and illumination work by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and must have a licensed Journeyman Electrician and Supervising Electrician on staff. The successful bidder or bidder's subcontractor for performing fiber optic work must have an individual on staff with a minimum of two years experience terminating, splicing, and testing fiber optic cable, possess either a Fiber Optics Installer or Fiber Optics Technician Certification recognized by the Electronics Technicians Association (ETA) or a Fiber Optics for ITS certificate from the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA). The successful bidder or bidder's subcontractor for performing fiber optic work must possess standard fiber optic tools and equipment to perform installation, repairs, and troubleshoot fiber optic cables. Necessary tools and equipment for this work shall include but not be limited to fusion splicer and OTDR. The materials and workmanship furnished on this bid must meet ODOT - Highway Division specifications. The successful bidder must have bucket truck in their fleet with a minimum 40 foot reach. All permits and inspections shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder (contractor). 5. Category One - Traffic Signals/Streetlight Maintenance - Typical Work TYPICAL WORK TO BE REQUESTED: Replacement of traffic signal controller cabinet and/or electrical service cabinet. Modifications to controller cabinet to accommodate revised signal operations, revise cabinet wiring, etc. Installation, relocation or removal of pole and mast arms for vehicle and pedestrian signal systems. Minor traffic signal system modifications to accommodate revised traffic signal phasing, installation of flashing yellow arrows, etc. Street light and traffic signal pole installation or replacements, including fixture at each location. Installation of overhead flashing beacon, complete. Any electrical work, not including low voltage work. Installation, relocation, or repair of conduit and junction boxes. Installation, repair and splicing of fiber optic interconnect cable. Incidental concrete flatwork required for pole and cabinet foundations, conduit repair, junction boxes or other electrical work. 6. Category Two: Traffic Signal Loop Replacement - Materials MATERIALS TO BE BID: Price: Price bid shall be on a per each rate for round loops, including materials (i.e., cost of materials plus a percentage added) and a per foot rate for loop lead-in wiring. The price per each rate shall consist of all materials and labor required to install round inductive loops. Labor shall include all necessary equipment and personnel to complete installation process. The price per foot rate for loop lead-in shall include all materials and labor required to install lead in wiring. Contractor will invoice the County for any flaggers used based on the appropriate BOLI wage rate. Traffic control set-up including cones, signs etc. shall be included as a separate bid item. The bid item for traffic control set-up shall include all labor, equipment, and incidentals for the actual amount of time spent setting up and taking down traffic control for the work zone. Delivery: The successful bidder shall agree to provide emergency and/or scheduled repairs of traffic signal loops on an on-call basis. County technicians will do the trouble shooting prior to calling the contractor. When the contractor is called in for loop replacements, it will have already been determined that the replacements will be done. Special projects and non-emergency improvements will be scheduled. 7. Category Two: Traffic Signal Loop Replacement - Specifications SPECIFICATIONS: Inductive loop design will generally be six (6) foot round loops. The materials and workmanship furnished on this bid must meet ODOT - Highway Division specifications. Inductive loops to be bid on a "per each" basis. Lead in from inductive loops to junction box and/or controller cabinet to be bid on a per foot bases. The lead in is considered to be the wire that leads directly from the loop to the first connection, whether it is in a junction box, sand pocket or the controller cabinet. Pricing to include all saw-cutting required to install and connect inductive loops into junction boxes and/or controller cabinet. Sealing of inductive loops and loop splicing to be included in unit pricing. Contractor to provide Traffic Control in accordance with standards as described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as adopted by Washington County. The County estimates that approximately twenty-five (25) loop installations will be required annually and approximately fifteen hundred (1,500) lineal feet of lead in wiring will be required annually. Note: These are best estimates only. 8. Category Two: Traffic Signal Loop Replacement - Typical Work TYPICAL WORK TO BE REQUESTED: Traffic signal loop replacement and repairs, and new traffic signal loop installations. Contract Awarding In the Vendor Questionnaire, questions 14-17 are pass/fail if you do not answer yes to any of those 4 questions you will be found non-responsive and disqualified from the bid. The County reserves the right to award Category One and Category Two separately or together whichever is in the County's best interest A total of 1100 points will be available and contractor ranking will be determined based on total highest points after making the computation of the scoring criteria as follows: The lowest rate in each category shall be awarded the maximum points, while the next lowest shall receive a percentage of the maximum points. Contractors will be able to earn a maximum of 1100 cost points for Category I based on the following example, 100 points will be available for Category II. Firm "#1" bid $100.00; firm "#2" bid $125.00; firm "#3" bid $200.00. Firm "#1" would receive the maximum of 1000 points; Firm "#2" would receive 800 points - $100.00 divided by $125.00 equaling 80% of the 1000 allowable points Firm "#3" would receive 550 points - $100.00 divided by $200.00 equaling 50% of the 1000 allowable points E. The County reserves the right to award more than one contract if it is in the County's best interest. F. Overtime for this contract will be paid at 1.5 times the regular hourly rate.
Roads / Highways
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
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