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Published May 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Butler, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

This announcement is for the selection of an Architect-Engineer (AE) for the Upgrade Water Monitoring - AE Design project. The locations of the project will be at the Butler VAMC, Butler, PA 16001. SF330 INFORMATION: All potential offerors must provide a SF 330 containing all required information listed below - do not send a full proposal or pricing. The form format must be the General Services Administration SF 330 found on the website GSA Forms Library at https://www.gsa.gov/reference/forms#. SF330 Extra Sections and Extra Parts may be used as needed. CONTRACT INFORMATION: The Government intends to award a Firm Fixed Price Contract. The contract award will incorporate the Scope of Work. Expected A-E services: Title I - Design Services. This contract is being procured in accordance with the Brooks AE Act as implemented in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subparts 36.602-2 Evaluation Boards and 36.602-3 Evaluation Board Function and Veterans Administration Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) 836.6. The SF330 will be evaluated, and the top three vendors shall provide oral presentations and pricing. This contract is 100% set-aside for Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business's (SDVOSB) capable of completing work under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code 541330, Engineering Services. The contract will be awarded as a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit the Standard Form 330 (SF 330) via email to stephanie.carhart@va.gov no later than 11:59 PM EST on May 16, 2022. All questions are to be sent to the attention of stephanie.carhart@va.gov. Additionally, the submission must include the following information: Unique ID Number Tax ID Number The e-mail address and phone number of the Primary Point of Contact Prior to submittal of the SF 330, the selected firm must be registered in SAM at https://sam.gov/content/home and VA VetBiz at https://vetbiz.va.gov/vip/. Vendors who are not registered at both sites at time of submission will NOT be considered for oral presentations. To assure compliance with FAR Clause 52.219-14(b)(1) - Limitations on Subcontracting, all To assure compliance with FAR Clause 52.219-14(b)(1) - Limitations on Subcontracting, all firms submitting SF 330's for this Sources Sought Notice are required to indicate what percentage of the cost of contract performance will be expended by the Prime A-E firm's employees and in which discipline(s) and percentage of cost of contract performance to be expended (and in what disciplines) by any other subcontracted or otherwise used small or large business entity(s). Any subcontracted or otherwise business entity(s) used must be identified by name, office location and size/type of business (i.e. SDVOSB, VOSB, 8(a), large, etc). Personal visits by A-E firms, for the purpose of discussing this announcement or the submittal is not permitted. No contract for construction of any project shall be awarded to the firm, subsidiaries or affiliates that designed the project. SELECTION CRITERIA: The VA will use the following criteria to determine competition when reviewing the SF 330 received. If a submitting firm fails to meet these criteria they will be deemed non-responsive and shall be rated accordingly. Selection criteria as identified in FAR Subpart 36.6 will be used. A. Professional Qualifications to Perform the Services Required: The lead designer or A-E on staff representing the project in each discipline must be licensed or registered to practice in any one of the United States of America. Provide Professional License or Registration numbers and/or proof of Licensure or Registration. The evaluation shall consider the specific experience and professional qualifications (i.e., education, training, registration, certifications, overall relevant experience, and longevity with the firm as full-time employees) of personnel proposed for assignment to the project. Provide a resume in section E for each of the team members proposed for the key positions and disciplines listed below. Resumes are limited to one page each and should cite project-specific experience. Proposed roles of key personnel must be clearly identified in block 13 of resumes and in the organizational chart in section D. Key positions and disciplines required for this project include, but are not limited to: Project Manager, Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD), Electrical Engineer, Architect, Cost Estimator, Civil Engineer, Fire Protection Engineer, Industrial Hygienist, Mechanical Engineer, Quality Assurance Specialist, Structural Engineer, Plumbing Engineer, Commissioning Agent, and Physical Security Specialist. Offeror must include the following statement of SDVOSB compliance when submitting the personnel proposed to perform the work under this requirement: "I [signatory authority], of [company name] certify that the team proposed to perform under this requirement demonstrates the capability of 50% SDVOSB performance in compliance of 48 CFR 852.219-10." The information provided in sections C through E of the SF 330 will be used to evaluate this factor. Do not include this information in section H, unless it is pertinent to support the information listed in the other sections. B. Capacity to Accomplish Work: Capacity to accomplish work in the required time. The evaluation will consider the team's overall ability to meet the schedule of the project, as well as the available capacity of key disciplines to perform the work in the required time. Please provide a table to demonstrate the available capacity of each of the key personnel identified in sections D and E for the prime firm and all subcontractors. At a minimum, include the following for each key team member: name, firm, proposed role in this project, and percentage of available capacity to take on new work. Also provide all projects awarded by the VA to the prime firm and all subcontractors during the previous 12 months from the date of the SF 330 submission. At a minimum, include the following for each project: project name, location, award date, completion percentage, and expected completion date. Provide the full potential value of any current indefinite delivery contracts for the prime firm and all subcontractors. The number of active water monitoring, legionella, VA 1061 type projects and their completion percentages will be taken into consideration for the prime firm and all subcontractors. The information for this factor shall be provided in section H of the SF 330. Please ensure the capacity applies toward the proposed team/personnel provided in the SF 330. C. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence: Specialized experience and technical competence of the prime firm and all subcontractors in the design and construction period services provided for projects similar in size, scope, and complexity. The projects provided in section F should include projects related to VA directive 1061 (Prevention of Health Care-Associated Legionella Disease and Scald Injury from Water Systems), Health Care Facility Water Distribution surveying and monitoring, Building Automation System implantation (in regard to water monitoring), Backflow prevention, and Implementing Engineering Controls for Water Safety. At a minimum, include the following for each submitted project: design start and end dates, construction start and end dates (if applicable), design amount, estimated or final construction amount, and specialized scope items that may include critical path scheduling, fire protection, construction infection control protocols, energy conservation, sustainable design practices, and specialized building types requiring physical security measures. Also identify if any of the projects include Infrastructure upgrades, work in active hospitals, and/or phasing. Include no more than five Government and/or private experience projects that best illustrate specialized experience as listed above, with at least 95% of the design completed. Applicable projects must have been awarded within the past eight years from the date of the SF 330 submission. Any projects submitted that exceed the limit will not be considered during the evaluation. The evaluation of the submitted projects will consider the relevant work performed; coordination of disciplines and subcontractors; prior experience of the prime firm and any key subcontractors working together on relevant projects; and familiarity with VA Design Guides/Manuals, Master Specifications, and other applicable standards. All projects provided in the SF 330 must involve some effort or contribution from a firm, office, branch, or individual team member proposed to perform work under this contract. The information provided in sections F and G of the SF 330 will be used to evaluate this factor. Do not include this information in section H, unless it is pertinent to support the information listed in the other sections. D. Past Performance: Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and/or private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. The past performance will be evaluated for all projects provided in section F, to include a review of Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) ratings. Provide performance reports for all projects submitted in section F and include the following information for each project: contract/task order number, project title, prime firm, start date, and completion date. Evaluations may also include additional performance-related information from the firm, customer inquiries, Government databases, publicly available sources, additional projects in CPARS, and other information available to the Government, including communications with points of contact in other criteria. Evaluations will consider superior performance ratings on recently completed VA projects as well as the reputation and standing of the firm and its principal officials with respect to professional performance, general management, and cooperativeness. As appropriate, the record of significant claims against the firm because of improper or incomplete architectural and engineering services will be considered. Failure to provide requested data, accessible points of contact, or valid phone numbers may result in a firm being considered less qualified. All projects provided in the SF 330 must involve some effort or contribution from a firm, office, branch, or individual team member proposed to perform work under this contract. The information for this factor shall be provided in section H of the SF 330. If there is no CPARS data available, Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQs) will be accepted. Please utilize the attached PPQ document. *PPQs should not be submitted by the evaluator to VHA PCAC directly. Completed PPQs must be incorporated into the SF 330 submission. PPQs will be counted towards the page limitation for this submission. A Neutral rating will be selected if the past performance information (CPAR, PPQ, letter of recommendation, or any similar performance review) for the projects submitted in section F is missing or insufficient for a determination on past performance to be made. E. Locality: Knowledge of the locality. Demonstrate and describe experience in the local area and the specific knowledge of certain local conditions or project site features the experience provided. This description may include: o Any prime firm or subcontractor experience within the VISN or at any of the VAMCs included in this Request for SF 330s o Soil conditions and any effects they could have on required trenching or digging (if applicable) o Approach to addressing any unique climate conditions (if applicable) o Geological conditions, such as seismic (if applicable) o State or local construction codes, laws, or regulations If prior experience in or specific knowledge of the local area is minimal, describe how the team plans to obtain any specific knowledge of certain local conditions or project site features required for these projects. The information for this factor shall be provided in section H of the SF 330. Note that the intent of this factor is to showcase a firm's understanding of the sites and locality, and not where the firm is located and how they would travel to the sites. Information related to the firm's location shall be provided in section H, under Secondary Selection Criteria - Geographic Location E. Construction Period Services: Describe your team's approach to providing construction period services that may include: professional field inspections during the construction period; review of construction submittals; support in answering requests for information (RFIs) during the construction period; support of construction contract changes, including drafting statements of work and cost estimates; attendance at weekly conference calls; providing minutes of meetings between the A-E, VA, and contractors; commissioning; pre-final inspection site visits; generation of punch-list reports; and production of as-built documentation. List project examples to demonstrate the prime firm's experience with construction period services. The information for this factor shall be provided in section H of the SF 330 -------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Secondary Selection Criteria*: Geographic Location: Location of the firm, as measured by the driving distance (miles) between the offeror's principal business location and the project site. Determination of the mileage will be based on Google Maps (www.google.com/maps/dir/). *The secondary selection criterion is used as a tiebreaker, if necessary, in ranking the most highly qualified firms following the completion of the SF 330 evaluations. The secondary selection criterion will not be applied when determining a firm's SF 330 submission "Excellent," "Acceptable," "Good," "Marginal," or "Unacceptable." The information for this factor shall be provided in Section H of the SF 330. site visits; generation of punch-list reports; and production of as-built documentation. List project examples to demonstrate the prime firm's experience with construction period services. The information for this factor shall be provided in section H of the SF 330 The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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May 16, 2023


325 New Castle Rd, Butler, PA

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RFQ Design - Upgrade Water Monitoring Project Butler VAMC

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