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Published May 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toronto, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 00003056832 RFB for a Vendor to conduct a phosphorus reduction and economic analysis that provides a better understanding of the economic value (to Lake Erie communities) of stormwater management strategy using Broad Implementation of Stormwater Green Infrastructure in Lake Erie municipalities and submission of reports to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the following: o Geographical (municipal level) scenarios in the Lake Erie basin where phosphorus reduction, benefits and cost analyses of Broad Implementation of Stormwater Green Infrastructure may be effectively demonstrated; o Potential phosphorus reduction (e.g., loading) based on a Broad Implementation of Stormwater Green Infrastructure for each geographic scenario; o Evaluation of costs and benefits (environmental, social and economic) associated with each geographic scenario which may be easily replicated to other municipalities and/or extrapolated to the Lake Erie basin in the future; and o Monetary valuation of costs and benefits of each broad implementation strategy including the use of cost-benefit analysis. Scope of Work The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is seeking consultant(s) with extensive experience, knowledge and expertise on stormwater management (in particular stormwater green infrastructure), valuation of economic benefits of stormwater management, and benefit-cost analysis. The project that is described in the Detailed Description will be undertaken based on Broad Implementation of Stormwater Green Instructure in Lake Erie communities and is intended to support phosphorus reduction or water protection priorities under the Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Action Plan, as well as Ontario legislation including the Great Lakes Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act. There is diverse type of economic analyses of stormwater management (including green infrastructure) comparing costs and/or benefits ranging in the level of complexity such as the life cycle costing. However, the current approaches to economic analysis conducted by municipalities often focus on costs incurred by the municipalities with limited acknowledgement of the financial benefits for the primary beneficiaries of the services, the people and the businesses in the communities. The project is intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and costs of stormwater green infrastructure. The expectation is for the Vendor to complete the assignment by mid to late 2023. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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December 8, 2022


Multiple Locations, Toronto, ON

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