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Published April 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Shoreline, Washington. Working plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

The City of Shoreline, Washington (City) is soliciting a statement of qualifications (SOQ) from individuals or firms interested in providing professional services for two projects: the Barnacle Creek/NW 204th Street Culvert Replacement Project and the Heron Creek/ Springdale Court NW Culvert and Stormwater Improvements Project. Contract work will consist of providing engineering design, permitting, and other support services to create (at least) two (2) separate sets of construction bid documents and support construction to address issues with failing and inadequate infrastructure for small streams at two Surface Water Utility (SWU) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) project sites located within the City's Middle Puget Sound drainage basin: the Barnacle Creek/NW 204th Street Culvert Replacement Project and the Heron Creek/Springdale Court NW Culvert and Stormwater Improvements Project. 'The City has identified two priority SWU CIP projects with many similar elements, including making culvert crossing improvements to address embankment stability issues for small streams within Puget Sound drainages in the northwest area of the City. Due to similar locations, elements, and objectives for these two projects, the City intends to award the professional service consultantships for both projects by a single selection process. The two projects will be sequenced such that design and construction of the Barnacle Creek/NW 204th Street project is generally expected to occur prior to design and construction of the Heron Creek/Springdale Court NW Project. However, the scope, schedule, and phasing for each project will be determined following selection during contract scope negotiation. For the purposes of this RFQ, the two projects will be described separately except where projects share the same general elements or overlap in other ways and can be described in common terms. Questions related to this solicitation may be directed to John Featherstone, Surface Water Utility Manager, jfeatherstone@shorelinewa.gov. Questions via phone will not be accepted. Questions received after May 19, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Local Time will not be accepted. The Scope of Work for each of the two projects under this selection process is expected to generally include, but not necessarily be limited to, preliminary design, final design and permitting, and construction support, as further described below: Preliminary Design: o Consolidate and review existing project-related information, including as related to project area stream(s), conveyance systems, and contributing areas. o Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling: any existing available models will be reviewed and may need to be further developed or updated, including calibration using flow monitoring data and rating curve development. o Review previously developed design concepts, develop further alternative concepts as needed, and evaluate to determine a preferred concept to advance. o Identify and solicit pre-application feedback from permitting jurisdictions and other regulatory stakeholders, and evaluate all required project environmental review and permitting needs. o Develop Preliminary Design Report for the Project, including plans and construction cost estimates at 30% design level. Report will document all background information, analysis, evaluations, and recommendations, etc., from preliminary design development. o Assist in outreach to key stakeholders and requests for feedback, including possible presentation(s) to and other coordination with neighboring property owners, Innis Arden Club (where applicable), City Council, general public, and others. o Provide other support and technical expertise as needed to for project success, such as survey, geotechnical/geomorphic, environmental, cultural/archeological, structural, etc. o Assist in acquisition of and/or coordination with grants and/or other funding. Final Design and Permitting: o Coordinate and obtain, and/or support City applications for, all required environmental reviews and permits needed for Project o Develop design for the Project, including plans, specifications (WSDOT/APWA format), and construction cost estimates (PS&E) to 60%, 90%, and 100%/Ad Ready levels. o Update hydrologic and hydraulic models as needed. o Assist in outreach to stakeholders and requests for feedback, including possible presentation(s) to and other coordination with neighboring property owners, Innis Arden Club, City Council, general public, and others. o Assist in acquisition of temporary construction and/or permanent easements as needed. o Develop/coordinate utility relocation plans as needed. o Assist in acquisition of and coordination with grants and/or other funding. o Provide other support as needed to for project success. Construction Support: o Submittal and RFI review for selected technical items o On-site inspection and reporting for selected technical items o Other technical construction review and support services to support the City's project manager, construction manager, and construction inspector(s). Consulting budget for the Barnacle Creek project is expected to be approximately $500,000; consulting budget for the Heron Creek project is expected to be approximately $800,000. Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kwBtprSlb Contact John Featherstone, Surface Water Utility Manager, by email at jfeatherstone@shorelinewa.gov at least 24 hours prior to the start of this meeting if you wish to receive an Outlook invitation to the Zoom meeting. City staff will make a brief and basic presentation describing these projects, anticipated roles and responsibilities, the project scope(s), project schedule(s) and expected outcomes. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. All substantive questions and answers resulting from this meeting will be formalized and issued as an addendum to this RFQ.

Final Planning

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Site Work





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