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Published May 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Seneca, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

**As of May 24, 2022, project has been awarded to Advanced Asphalt Co., in the amount of $758,193.70. For the furnishing of materials and construction of the following sections: 21-00396-00-RS, COUNTY HIGHWAY 25, This work shall consist of the construction of a HMA binder course and HMA surface course on an existing bituminous surface, HMA surface removal-butt joints, aggregate shoulders and other miscellaneous work. 21-05836-00-DR(NON), DAYTON TOWNSHIP, This work shall consist of replacing an existing structural plate culvert with a Multi-Plate Pipe Arch Culvert, Porous Granular Embankment, HMA Surfacing, and other miscellaneous related work. 22-00841-00-BR, VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS, This work shall consist of the repair of deteriorated timber pile and other miscellaneous related work. 22-00842-00-BR, VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS, This work shall consist of the repair of deteriorated timber pile and other miscellaneous related work 22-00843-00-BR, VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS, This work shall consist of the repair of deteriorated timber pile and other miscellaneous related work 22-35847-00-BR, VERMILLION TOWNSHIP, This work shall consist of the installation of Stone Dumped Riprap, Class A4 and Stone Dumped Riprap, Class A5 and other miscellaneous related work. 2022 SKIP PATCH, GR. 1 & 2, This work shall consist of constructing a HMA Surface Course on an existing bituminous surface, including HMA Surface Removal 1 1/2 " & Butt Joints, and other miscellaneous work. 22-21402-00-SM(NON), MILLER TOWNSHP, This work shall consist of the construction of a HMA binder course and HMA surface course on an existing bituminous surface, HMA surface removal-butt joints and other miscellaneous work. 22-23000-07-GM, NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP, This work shall consist of the application of a Micro-Surface to the existing surface, to provide a wearing surface for existing bituminous pavement. 22-27400-00-SM(NON), OTTER CREEK TOWNSHIP, This work shall consist of the construction of a HMA binder course and HMA surface course on an existing bituminous surface, HMA surface removal-butt joints and other miscellaneous work. 22-30401-00-SM(NON), RUTLAND TOWNSHIP, This work shall consist of the construction of a HMA binder course and HMA surface course on an existing bituminous surface, HMA surface removal-butt joints and other miscellaneous work. 22-32399-00-WR(NON), SOUTH OTTAWA TOWNSHIP, This work shall consist of HMA Base Course Widening, Micro-Surfacing, TY II, One Pass, aggregate shoulders and other miscellaneous work. The County, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, hereby notifies all bidders that the contract entered into, pursuant to this advertisement, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on ground of race, color or national origin. All Contracts for the Construction of Public Works are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12). Authorization to bid required minimum 24 hours prior to bid opening.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Co Hwy 25, Seneca, IL

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