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Published June 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, new construction and renovation of a civil project in Springfield, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for the construction of a water / sewer project; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

Project Category Code: Water/Wastewater Infrastructure, Well Drilling/Pumphouses Description: The project includes the following work: 1. Bid Section I - Municipal Water Well & Well House. The project work for this bid section shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for drilling a water supply well. The well will be a vertical turbine type, and housed inside of a well house. The water supply well shall be a 24-inch diameter bore drilled to the approximate depths as shown on the plans utilizing the reverse rotary circulation method. Wire wound stainless steel well screen (80-slot) and steel well casing shall be 16-inch inside diameter. In addition, a 5-inch diameter test hole and associated testing shall be provided. a. The well will include the construction of a 30 feet x 12 feet concrete block well house and chemical rooms with dyed split face CMU exterior, standing seam steel roof, and skylight, installation of a 500 gpm pumping unit with electric motor and pre-lube system, discharge piping and connection to the water transmission main to a connection to the 8 and 12-inch transmission main described in Bid Section II, valves, 6-inch water flow meter, air release valve, 4-inch drain piping from well house, complete fluoride and sodium hypo chlorite chemical feed systems, ventilation and heating equipment, Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), electrical service, site fill, grading, chain-link fencing and gates, aggregate roadway surfacing, and associated incidental items of work, as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. b. Allowances are also included in this Bid Section. 2. Bid Section II - Transmission Main & Improvements (north of Platteview Road). This bid section shall include construction of approximately 570 LF of new 8-inch and 2,450 LF of 12-inch transmission main from the new well house discharge piping connection to the existing transmission main, installed by open trenching, bored with casing, or horizontal directional drilling, including excavation, backfilling, grading, compaction, dewatering, bedding material, connections to and modifications of existing distribution mains; wet cut-ins, water service connection, valves, fittings, fire hydrant assemblies, aggregate roadway repair, seeding and miscellaneous work required for an acceptable and complete installation per the plans and specifications. 3. Bid Section III - Transmission Main & Improvements (Park Drive to Main Street). This bid section shall include construction of approximately 1,250 LF of 12-inch water main from the existing 12-inch main at Park Drive and Hwy 50 to the existing 8-inch water main at Main Street and Hwy 50, installed primarily by horizontal directional drilling, with some open trenching, including excavation, backfilling, grading, compaction, dewatering, bedding material, connections to existing distribution mains; wet cut-ins, aggregate roadway repair, seeding and miscellaneous work required for an acceptable and complete installation per the plans and specifications. 4. Bid Section IV - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. For furnishing all necessary materials, labor, equipment, and testing for furnishing and installing a SCADA system for the well in accordance with the plans and specifications. This shall include all required spare parts as listed in the specifications. Additonal Description: The project will be funded by State Revolving Funds. Pre-Bid Meeting Info: No pre-bid meeting. Questions should be directed to Craig Reinsch, PE, at 402-458-5671 or email creinsch@olsson.com Site Directions: City of Springfield Springfield, Nebraska


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Springfield, NE

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