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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Moreno Valley, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The County of Riverside Department of Waste Resources is seeking proposals from industry professionals qualified in providing geological, geotechnical and construction quality assurance/quality control services for an upcoming project referred to as "Phase 2, Stage 1 (P2S1) Liner Expansion Project, at the Badlands Sanitary Landfill" (Project). The Project will expand the size of the disposal area at the Badlands Sanitary Landfill (Site) by approximately 33 acres, in accordance with the requirements of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), and Subtitle D of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Waste Resources engineering staff is responsible for coordinating all project tasks including the preparation of project designs and Contract Documents. Upon receiving and evaluating proposals, Waste Resources reserves the right to award Service A and B (together) and C as separate contracts to different Bidders, or as one contract to a single Bidder. To that end, each proposal must include Attachments A, B and C (enclosed), and must be completed so that the various services may be reviewed independently. The selected Bidder(s) for the required services will be tasked to provide one or more of the following services: Service A: Geotechnical Services Service A: The Bidder shall provide geotechnical services including, but not limited to static and seismic stability analysis for liner subgrade, the corresponding fill, and the proposed stockpiles. The Bidder may perform geotechnical research of previously conducted geotechnical investigations within the P2S1 Liner Expansion Area and, for the proposed stockpile locations, the Bidder may provide field and laboratory soil testing and soil borings. Geotechnical services shall also include a technical peer review of the contract documents for project construction. At the conclusion of performing all sub-tasks in Service A, the Bidder shall prepare and submit to Waste Resources for review and forwarding to the CRWQCB-SAR a comprehensive design report summarizing stability analysis results and recommendations on processing/placement procedures for the required engineered fill and any other aspect of construction that may be necessary for slope stability. This comprehensive design report must be prepared and signed by either a California Registered Civil Engineer or a California Registered Engineering Geologist. Estimated time frame for providing Service A is August to September 2022. Service B: Geological Services Service B: The Bidder shall provide geological services including, but not limited to: geologic observation and comprehensive mapping of all slope areas that have been exposed by the recent excavation operations within the P2S1 Project Area (currently called the Canyon 6 Borrow Area). At the conclusion of services, a final report summarizing Project geology, test results, geologic maps, cross-sections and recommendations must be prepared, signed, and submitted to Waste Resources by either a California Registered Civil Engineer or a California Registered Engineering Geologist. Estimated time frame for providing Service B is August to September 2022. Service C: Construction QA/QC Services Service C: For the construction phase of the Project, the Bidder shall provide a construction QA/QC Manager, technical staff, and construction QA/QC testing equipment and facilities with sufficient resources to keep pace with construction activity and verify conformance with the construction QA/QC plan (Refer to Attachment D - Sample QA/QC Plan). Upon completion of construction, a detailed construction QA/QC final report illustrating conformance with the project specifications must be prepared, signed, and submitted to Waste Resources by either a California Registered Civil Engineer or California Registered Engineering Geologist. Service C work will be performed during the project's construction phase. It is estimated that project construction will be initiated between February and April 2023. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF QUESTIONS is 5/20/2022 5:00pm PST Bid Contact Derek Price-Nolen (951) 486-3233 14310 Frederick Street Moreno Valley, CA 92553 The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.



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December 2, 2022


31125 Ironwood Ave, Moreno Valley, CA

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