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Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Ridgeland, Mississippi. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Ridgeland, Mississippi intends to employ consulting engineering firms (Consultants ) for providing professional engineering services for developing various necessary water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure improvement projects utilizing Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds made available under the Federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). This Legal Notice is being issued to provide interested Consultants with the information necessary for preparing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Response. Questions should be directed in writing to the City of Ridgeland Public Works Director by emailing the following address, Alan.Hart@ridgelandms.org. Professional Engineering Services ARPA Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Projects City of Ridgeland, Madison County, Mississippi The professional engineering services requested shall include: project management services, coordination and attendance of project related conferences and meetings, liaison services between the City, State and Federal funding agencies, field surveying and inspections, geotechnical investigations, environmental studies, water, wastewater, and/or stormwater engineering design, right-of-way document preparation and acquisition services, utility relocation, construction bid document development, and bid phase administration. ARPA funded projects will be handled in accordance with all State and Federal regulations. Due to the ARPA program's expedient schedule requirements, the City anticipates assigning multiple Task Orders to multiple Engineering Firms to concurrently develop the City's ARPA projects well in advance of the funding program's deadlines. Up to five (5) of the most highly qualified CONSULTANTS will be selected based on the evaluation criteria contained in this Notice. Upon a qualification-based selection, the City will commence contract negotiation to establish a fair compensation rate in a General Services Agreement for providing engineering and surveying related services. Once General Service Agreements are executed with the Consultants selected, the City will issue engineering service task orders to the Consultants , based on the Consultants availability and feasibility. Each task order will have a specific fee schedule developed by the Consultant assigned to accomplish a requested scope of work. In the event an agreement cannot be reached for the cost and/or schedule of a task order, negotiation will continue with another qualified Consultants operating with an approved General Services Agreement. The availability and speed in which the Consultant can complete each assigned Task Order will weigh heavily on the assignment of multiple Task Orders to the Consultants that successfully negotiate General Service Agreements with the City. The City reserves the right to issue engineering service task orders to qualified Consultants in any order selected which is most beneficial to the Owner and within funds available. The execution of a General Services Agreement is no assurance that a task order will be assigned to the Consultant. The City anticipates the duration of the projects will extend through December 31, 2026 unless the Federal Government changes the deadline or program requirements. The City desires having all ARPA-funded projects "Plan Ready" within six (6) to twelve (12) months from the execution date of the General Services Agreements. The General Service Agreements will utilize a cost plus fixed fee, labor hour/unit price, or lump sum basis of payment with a defined maximum "not-to-exceed" amount. The term of the General Services Agreement will not exceed a three (3) year period unless extended by Supplemental Agreement with prior written consent of both parties. The services provided with each Task Order will begin upon issuance of a "Notice to Proceed" by the City of Ridgeland and end following the completion of the project. The City will evaluate the RFQ Responses based on the following factors listed in their relative order of importance: 1. Experience in scope of work for water, sewer, and drainage projects (30% of total score) 2. Qualifications of assigned staff and company resources (25% of total score) 3. Past performance of the CONSULTANT (20% of total score) 4. Availability of Personnel (20% of total score) 5. Locations of the CONSULTANT's home, branch and field offices (5% of total score) The City reserves the right to select up to five (5) CONSULTANTS. The City reserves the right to reject any and all RFQ Responses and/or discontinue the execution any General Services Agreement or Task Order assignment with any party at any time. The City shall not be shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any CONSULTANT prior to the Notice to Proceed effective date for a Task Order Assignment. The City of Ridgeland is an equal opportunity employer. The selected CONSULTANTS will be notified in writing of their selection. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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