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Published July 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Hanover, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Work shall include: The Base Bid collections work consists of installation of a new submersible non-clog lift station, 250 LF of 10" PVC Gravity Sewer with granular backfill, 1,490 LF of 12" PVC Gravity Sewer with granular backfill, 2,220 LF of 18" PVC Gravity Sewer with granular backfill, 1,250 LF of 6" DI Force Main, and 36 LF of 4" PVC Force Main all requiring granular backfill. Nineteen (19) 48" sanitary manholes, two (2) drop manholes, two (2) doghouse manholes, three (3) energy dissipation manholes, connections to existing sanitary manholes, electrical equipment, fencing, demolition, clean-up & restoration, and all other work and appurtenances necessary for complete installation. The Base Bid wastewater treatment plant work consists of a new submersible non-clog lift station, 370 LF of 4" PVC Force Main with granular backfill, connection to existing sanitary manhole, replacement of the existing open-channel UV disinfection system, electrical equipment and controls, fencing, demolition, clean-up & restoration, and all other work and appurtenances necessary for complete installation. The Mandatory Additive Alternate Bid No. 1 work shall include the installation of two (2) grinder pump stations and station discharge piping, connecting the new sanitary sewer main. The Mandatory Additive Alternate Bid No. 2 work shall include the removal of approximately 1,590 linear feet above ground sanitary laterals over the College Hillside. The Mandatory Additive Alternate Bid No. 3 work shall include approximately 4,950 square yards of asphalt pavement repair of College Ave and Hanover Beach Hill Road. Work shall be constructed under a Unit Price Contract. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on a State Board of Accounts Form 96 (Revised 2013). Each Bid shall be accompanied by the Contractors Bid Attachment (included with the Contract Specifications) to Form 96, a Financial Statement (completely filled out and signed) and a bid security in the form of an acceptable certified check payable to the Owner or an acceptable Bidders bond, in an amount of not less than 5% of the total bid price, in accordance with the Contract Specifications. The Contract will be awarded in accordance with the provisions of IC 5-16-13 for Public Works projects awarded after June 30, 2015. Pursuant to IC 5-16-13-7, the provisions of the law are incorporated by reference. In accordance with the Davis-Bacon requirements, all contractor and subcontractors are required to pay not less than the Federal prevailing wage rates published by the U.S. Department of Labor for each classification of Work performed on this project. Bidders are notified that there is a 7% MBE and 5% WBE participation goal on this project. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor defects in bids or bidding procedure, or reject any and all bids, or to accept the bid from the lowest most responsible and responsive bidder as exclusively determined by the Owner. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. No Bidder may withdraw a bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and the Bidder determined by the Owner to be the lowest most responsible and responsive. The Contractor to whom the Work is awarded will be required to furnish an acceptable Performance and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100% of the contract price and must be in full force and effect throughout the term of the Construction Contract plus a period of twelve (12) months from the date of substantial completion.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Hanover, IN

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