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Published December 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, asbestos abatement and renovation of a mixed-use development in Augusta, Maine. Design plans call for the renovation of a data center facility; for site work for a medical facility; and for asbestos abatement for a medical facility.

PROJECT NO: 402-22-700 PROJECT NAME: EHRM Infrastructure Upgrades - Togus ME ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: $29,984,000 . GENERAL INTENT: The Contractor (herein referred to as "A/E") shall provide Architect/Engineer (A/E) services to design a construction project at the VA Maine Health Care System (Togus) in accordance with this design scope of work. PROJECT INFORMATION This project is a 100% Set-Aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns (SDVOSB). The NAICS Code for this procurement is 541330 "Engineering Services" and the annual small business size standard is $16.5M. This project requires a full design team to complete this project. The design must be complete and bid-ready no later than 301 calendar days after Notice of Award. The magnitude of construction is between $10,000,000.00 and $20,000,000.00. 2. STATEMENT OF WORK: A/E Part One Services (also known as Design Phase) for this design project includes site visits, field investigation, studies and user interviews to prepare drawings, specifications and cost estimates for all facets of work and disciplines/trades to facilitate a complete construction project to upgrade the facility infrastructure to support the new Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) system in accordance with VA OEHRM Site Infrastructure Requirements (provided by VHA). The scope of this project includes, but is not limited to, the following infrastructure improvements: Electrical (electrical panel upgrade, power (normal & emergency)), Bonding, UPS, Building Management System interfaces, assess for new and upgrades to existing HVAC, reconfiguration, expansion, and renovation of existing space (demo, new construction, finishes, cable), addition of a new TR tower building addition at B200/200E to accommodate 10 new Telecommunications Rooms (approximately 170sqft). Construct new data center building addition of approximately 2,000 gross square feet (electrical distribution, cable management, cabinets, raised flooring, finishes, HVAC), communication infrastructure (new Data outlets, patch panels, upgrade to Cat 6A cable) in buildings as necessary, physical security upgrades, assess and upgrade fiber infrastructure backbone campus wide within buildings and between buildings, and hazardous material (asbestos, lead, etc.) abatement. Project buildings include: 200, 200E, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 221, 232, 235, 238, 240, 248, 255, 300, BQ1, BQ3, BQ4, BQ27, BQ32, BQ69, 248, MRI, and site. As part of the design, evaluate the technical feasibility and cost effectiveness of converting existing space within B200/B200E as opposed to construction of a new TR tower. Provide VA with the evaluation findings. VA will select an option based on our review of the evaluation. The final design shall utilize the VA Maine selected option (new tower or renovation of existing space) for B200/200E. The scope of this project also includes demolition of all existing telecommunications infrastructure including, conduit, cabling, supports, data racks, and accessories; demolition of dedicated power infrastructure, conduit, cabling, supports, and accessories; and demolition of all HVAC infrastructure from all locations on campus. The completed design shall contain all required demolition drawings, specifications, phasing plans, etc. The VA Maine Healthcare System (Togus VAMC) campus is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and many buildings included in this SOW are contributing buildings to this status. Building Quarters 1 (BQ1) is a National Historic Landmark. VA Maine will conduct consultation with local, state, and federal historic officials as required; however, as part of this SOW the designer of record will be required to update and/or modify their design as necessary to address comments resulting from the historic consultation and review process. The selected A/E shall prepare all required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis and Environmental Assessment reports and documentation for any improvements made as part of this EHRM project. A/E Part Two Services of this design project (also known as Construction Period Services) includes responding to construction contractor Requests For Information (RFIs) during the solicitation (solicitation support) and construction phases of the construction project, attendance at pre-bid, post-award and commissioning kick off construction project conferences, review of construction material submittals and shop drawings, approximately 4 site visits per month during construction (both scheduled and emergent) to ensure compliance with the design drawings and specifications, preparation of site visit reports, coordination with project commissioning requirements, review of any construction project modifications for cost and technical acceptability, attendance and participation during the final acceptance inspection, preparation of the punch list and preparation of record drawings of the completed construction project based on the construction contractor's as-built drawings. The A/E shall prepare a submittal log to be utilized by the VA during construction period services, maintain RFI log and provide meeting minutes for weekly construction meetings throughout the duration of construction. All Part Two Services are optional line items and will not be exercised at the time of award. All questions shall be submitted via email to Lorna.Craig@va.gov by May 17, 2022, at 4:00 PM ET. A site visit will be authorized for the highest rated firm during the negotiation process. An award will be made as long as the negotiation of rates and hours leads to a fair and reasonable determination of the final contract price. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Data Centers


Public - Federal

Asbestos Abatement, Renovation, Site Work

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June 7, 2023


1 VA Ctr, Augusta, ME

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