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Published May 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Livingston, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Polk County known individually as "Procurer" is soliciting proposals, hereinafter referred to as "Proposals" for contracts to obtain the services of a qualified Contractors hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", to provide services to remove, process, and lawfully dispose of disaster generated debris (other than hazardous materials and household putrescible garbage) from public property and public rights-of-way in Polk County, Texas, City of Corrigan, City of Goodrich, City of Onalaska, and City of Seven Oaks hereinafter referred to individually as "jurisdiction," in response to an emergency event such as, but not limited to, hurricane(s), tornadoes(s), winter weather-ice storms, floods, earthquake(s), fire(s) or other natural or manmade disaster(s). Upon release of the RFP and during the proposal process, Contractors and their employees of related companies, as well as, paid or unpaid personnel acting on their behalf shall not contact or participate in any type of contact with Procurer's employees, department heads and/or elected officials. Such contact will result in the Contractor being disqualified. The disqualification of a Contractor will result in debarment for a period of thirteen (13) months, during this period the Contractor will not be able to bid on contracts or do business with Procurer. All contact must be coordinated through Stephanie Dale, Assistant Auditor with the Polk County Auditor's Office for the procurement of these services. All questions regarding this RFP or Solicitation are to be submitted in writing to Stephanie Dale, Assistant Auditor with the Polk County Auditor's Office via e-mail stephanie.dale@co.polk.tx.us, or by fax 936-327-6898, or via mail to Polk County Auditor's Office, 602 E. Church Street, Ste. 108, Livingston, Texas 77351. Please reference the RFP on all correspondence. Any questions, comments, and requests for clarification related specifically to the cities will be forwarded by the Polk County Auditor's Office to that city's representative for evaluation, consideration, and response. Any oral communications shall be considered unofficial and non-binding. Only written responses to written communication shall be considered official and binding upon Procurer. Procurer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine appropriate and adequate responses to the written comments, questions, and requests for clarification. In accordance with Chapter 2253.01 of the Texas Local Government Code and upon activation of Contract the awarded firm will submit a good and sufficient Performance Bond in an amount equal to 100 percent of the approximate total amount of this Contract, as evidenced by the negotiated contract value, or otherwise guaranteeing the full and faithful execution of the work and performance of this Contract in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents, including any extensions thereof, for the protection of Procurer. This bond will be based on the total value of this Contract per year and therefore shall be renewable on an annual basis. Liquidated Damages. Should the Contractor fail to complete requirements set forth in this statement of work, the Procurer will suffer damage. The amount of damage suffered by the Procurer is difficult, if not impossible to determine at this time. Therefore, the Contractor shall pay the Procurer, as liquidated damages No products and/or services will be procured from Contractors or companies that are listed on the debarment listing on SAM.gov. No products and/or services will be procured from Contractors or companies listed on the State of Texas debarment list on the Texas State Comptroller's website. No products and/or services will be procured from Contractors or companies listed on the Texas State Comptroller's Divestment Statute List. Government requirements for non-procurement suspension and debarment are contained in the OBM guidance 2CFR, part 180 that implements Executive Orders 12549 and 12689 Debarment and Suspension. Procurer reserves the right to reject from award consideration and/or terminate any contract with any Contractor found to be suspended, ineligible and/or debarred as outlined herein.



Public - County

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Livingston, TX

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