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Published May 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Indianapolis, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Term Agreement for Automotive Glass Replacement and Repair Services for the Department of Public Works, Indianapolis Fleet Services Vendors are invited to bid unit prices on a Term Agreement for Automotive Glass Replacement and Repair Services to be furnished and delivered to Department of Public Works, Fleet Services Division in Marion County, IN. Other departments and agencies of the City may also utilize this contract. This Invitation is to establish one or more term contracts for Automotive Glass Replacement and Repair Services. The resulting contract will primarily be used by Department of Public Works, Fleet Services Division. However, other departments and agencies of the City of Indianapolis and Marion County may also utilize the resulting contract under the same pricing, terms and conditions. Unless otherwise agreed to, all ordering locations will be within Marion County, IN. The City does not guarantee minimum or maximum amount of services to be purchased under this bid. The scope of services listed is estimated based on the Citys potential need or history and the desire for services. The City may purchase more or less services than the amounts indicated in the bid. All orders shall be on an as needed basis, subject to the availability of funding and budgetary considerations. The term of the initial contract shall be three (3) years, effective from the date of the award letter. The City may award a contract to a vendor who submits the overall lowest, responsive and responsible bid; or, it may split the award between two or more vendors, all to the advantage of the City. For purposes of evaluation, a split between two or more vendors will not be considered to be to the advantage of the City if increased administrative costs offset any projected cost savings realized by splitting the award. The contract resulting from this bid may be renewed beyond the expiration date by mutual agreement of the parties. The term of the renewal may not be longer than the term of the original contract. A renewal shall be by written notice by either party and written acceptance by the other. All other terms and conditions of the contract shall remain the same as set forth in the resulting agreement. Terms and conditions may be amended only by written instrument, signed by both the City and awarded vendor, and attached to the resulting agreement as an amendment All bids received shall be considered valid for not less than ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening. Pricing shall be firm for the length of the contract, including any renewals. There will be no bid bonds or performance bonds required for this contract. The City may terminate the resulting contract for cause or convenience at any time during the term of the contract, without penalty, upon ten (10) calendar days written notice to the vendor. The City shall be the sole judge of the adequacy of the vendors performance pursuant to the resulting contract.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 26, 2022

June 27, 2022


To Be Determined, Indianapolis, IN

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