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Site work, paving and renovation of a civil project in Guyton, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The Work to be bid consists of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment for: All Tools, Materials, Labor, Supervision, and Equipment for the Improvements of the Existing Effingham County Lift Station #4 Located on Hodgeville Road Including Purchase and Installation of the Prefabricated Booster Pump Skid, Odor Control Unit, Diesel Bypass Pumping System, Foundation, Electrical Controls Building, Paving, Drainage, Electrical and SCADA Work, Associated Force Main and Gravity Sewer Piping, Jack and Bore Installation and Connections, Valves, Demolition, Installation and Removal of Erosion Controls and Additional Auxiliary Equipment Required for an Operable Station, Grading, Spreading/Disposal of Excess Excavated Material, Traffic Control, Remove and Replace Signs, Remove and Replace Monuments, Tree Protection, Mobilization; Clean-Up, Insurance, Bonds and Other Miscellaneous Items not Specifically Listed But Necessary for A Complete Job. Any questions that arise after the pre-proposal conference must be made in writing and must be received at the office of the Purchasing Agent no later than 5.00pm (Eastern Time) on Monday, June 6, 2022. No response will be given to any questions received after 5.00pm (Eastern Time) on Monday, June 6, 2022. Questions may be faxed to 912-754-8413; emailed to or mailed to the address above. If questions are mailed, please DO NOT put the bid number on the outside of the envelope. All proposals shall be accompanied by a BID BOND in favor of the Effingham County Board of Commissioners in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of the BID for the complete work. The BID BOND shall be forfeited to the Effingham County Board of Commissioners as liquidated damages if the BIDDER fails to execute the CONTRACT and provide PERFORMANCE BOND and PAYMENT BOND within fourteen (14) calendar days after being issued a Notice of Award. A Notice to Proceed will be issued immediately after the receipt of the signed Contract and P&P Bonds, and the Contractor is required to execute the NTP and begin work within fourteen (14) calendar days after signature and issuance of the NTP by the County The Completion Date for this Contract shall be within 270 calendar days from receipt of Notice to Proceed.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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June 27, 2022

July 27, 2022


Hodgeville Rd, Guyton, GA

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