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Published May 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Saint Louis, Missouri. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

New Normandy High School Gym - The former NHS practice gym in East Hall has been eliminated due to the construction of the new NHS library/media center in its space. The district plans to construct a new gym adjacent to West Athletic Complex. The approximately 16,750 square-foot gym will have two basketball courts. Design considerations include grade change for exterior walkways, canopy/approach, programmatic fit with current West Athletic Complex, and retaining wall constraints. Note that Owner has geotechnical completed and survey is underway. Construction budget range is $4M to $5.75M. Anticipated services include architecture, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, low voltage, and fire protection (if required) design for the phases of programming, schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement, and construction administration. Normandy Schools Collaborative hereby requests qualifications from Architects/Engineers. The proposal should conform to the following format. Please provide all information requested. 1. Firm name, address, telephone numbers, and email address 2. Structure of firm (e.g. sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) 3. Size of firm, in-house disciplines, licenses held, and years of experience 4. List of commonly used consultants and associates 5. Resume, qualifications, and educational experience of firm principal(s) and project manager and architect who will be assigned to this project. 6. At least three references (incl. contact information) for previous educational projects or athletic facilities. 7. Name, title, and signature of individual submitting information. 1. Describe your history of maintaining the design schedule and project budget. 2. Describe how you will ensure quality control for the work of your firm, as well as for the work of your consultants and associates. 3. Explain the system you utilize to expedite the decision-making process during the construction phase. 4. Identify and describe the educational facilities you have completed within the past three (3) years. 5. Explain how your firm expects to limit costs regarding the following change order scenarios. Unforeseen Conditions Owner Request Regulatory Requirements Design Errors and/or Design Omissions 6. Explain the appropriate level of oversight your firm will provide to ensure projects are delivered on time, within budget, and according to specifications. 7. Has your firm ever failed to complete any work that it has been awarded If so, please explain in detail. 8. Is your firm involved in any current litigation If so, please explain in detail. 9. Please provide references (company, individual's name, contact info) for general contractors that you regularly work with. 10.Describe how the current market conditions for construction have affected architecture services and your firm's response to said conditions. 11.Provide a copy of your insurance certificate showing your firm's standard insurance coverages. For inquiries, firms may contact Phil Pusateri, Chief Financial Officer and Associate Superintendent at (314) 493-0447 or ppusateri@normandysc.org




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June 1, 2023


6701 St Charles Rock Rd, Saint Louis, MO

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