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Published August 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Deerfield, New Jersey. Design plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Township of Deerfield, Cumberland County, New Jersey Request for Proposals Engineering Services ADA Compliance Improvements Phase 3 The Township of Deerfield is requesting proposals for Engineering Services for New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Small Cities CDBG project FY 2022. This project involves improvements to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act at Frank LoBiondo, Sr. Park, Eugenia Johnson Memorial Park and Carmel Park. The following improvements are anticipated: Lobiondo Park - (1) Reconstruct the existing hockey rink to remove the existing asphalt surfaces, puck board and fencing and install ADA compliant hockey rink along with puck board, fencing, line striping and ADA compliant basketball racks and (2) Install a six foot wide ADA compliant bituminous concrete path from the existing parking lot to the hockey rink providing a second access point to the rink. The six foot wide path would provide a second barrier free access to the hockey rink; Johnson Park Install a 6' wide bituminous walking path around the perimeter of the park to access the entire park, picnic areas, portable restroom, and horseshoe pits. The walking path will provide ADA compliant access to all areas of the park; and Carmel Park Install an ADA compliant playground structure / equipment with border and ground cover shall be installed. . The project budget is $455,632 including construction, engineering and administrative costs. The Township is seeking engineering services to include surveying, design, preparation of bid specifications, assistance with bidding, construction administration, inspection services and as-built drawings. The CDBG project application and preliminary engineering report are available at the office of the Township Clerk, Deerfield Township Municipal Building, 736 Landis Avenue, P.O. Box 350, Rosenhayn, NJ 08352 Telephone: 856-455-3200 Email: kseifrit@deerfieldtownship.org between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Proposals should address, and will be evaluated based upon, the following items/criteria and numerical point values: successful provision of engineering services for similar project 40 points -ability to provide comprehensive scope of service 30 points -ability to complete project by December 31, 2023 15 points -proposed cost of services including current staffing hourly rate 15 points Total 100 points The Township of Deerfield reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted. All costs related to preparation of the proposal response shall be borne by the proposer. Minority and women business enterprises (MBE and WBE) and Section 3 business concerns are encouraged to respond.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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May 31, 2023


Multiple Locations, Deerfield, NJ

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