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Published June 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Mason, Ohio. Design plans call for the renovation of a data center facility; and educational facility.

Mason City Schools (MCS) is making various renovations to Mason Early Childhood Center, Mason Elementary School, Mason Intermediate School, and Mason High School. In addition, the architect of choice will be expected to serve as consultant as various topics arise throughout the school year that need architectural input and guidance. Ohio Revised Code requires that school districts use a qualification based process for selecting professional consultants such as architects and engineers. This means that design firms are selected solely based on the district's perception of their qualifications to perform specific projects. This decision is made without any consideration of fees charged by any potential design firm. The selection committee designated by the administration decides and recommends to the Board of Education a ranking of the prospective design firms. After said ranking, the administration negotiates a fee and contract terms with the number one ranked firm. If the contract negotiations with the number one firm are not successful, the administration will negotiate with the number two firm and so on until a contract had been successfully negotiated. The district shall post a statement requesting the design firms to indicate interest in serving as AOR for the next three years to complete construction needs at Mason Early Childhood Center, Mason Elementary School, Mason Intermediate School, and Mason High School and through the school district. The Chief Operations Officer shall receive responses from all interested firms. The Selection Committee shall consist of the Superintendent, Treasurer, Chief Operations Officer. The Selection Committee shall discuss the responses from the professional architectural design firms' statement of qualifications in an attempt to develop its ranking of the firms by consensus. If the committee cannot give by consensus, the Superintendent shall receive each member's recommendation, and shall make the ranking based on said recommendations. Negotiations shall then begin with the number one ranked firm as outlined above, with a final recommendation being made to the Board of Education by the Superintendent and adoption in an official board business meeting. Conflict of Interest There shall not be any solicitous contact by a design firm or any of its members or representatives with any member of the Selection Committee prior to the ranking of the firms. Any firm found to violate this requirement shall be dismissed from consideration and may be removed from the list of qualified design firms. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. As of June 16, 2022, a design team has been selected. Information regarding the general contractor and method of selection has not been disclosed.




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