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Site work and paving for a civil project in Prather, California. Working plans call for site work for a development; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Bid Cancelled. The Government is cancelling solicitation 12363N22Q4051 in order to revise portions of the solicitation package to promote better competition for this project. The new Request For Quote (RFP) will be solicitation 12363N22Q4087 and shall be issued on with a shortened response deadline. Please note the project will not be pre-solicited again as this notice requirement has already been met. Description The Lakeshore Stewardship IRSC shall be awarded under the following authority. Stewardship Authority: Section 604 (16 USC 6591c) of Public Law 108-148 as amended by Section 8205 of Public Law 113-79, the Agricultural Act of 2014--Grants the U.S. Forest Service (Government) permanent authority to enter into stewardship contracts or agreements to achieve land management goals for the National Forests or public lands that meet local and rural community needs. Section 8205 supersedes the temporary authority granted to the Forest Service (Government) in section 347 of Public Law 105-277, the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Appropriations Act, 1999. Location The Contract Area is located on the High Sierra Ranger District of the Sierra National Forest, north of Lake Huntington. Legal land description is T8S, R25E, Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, and 14; Mt. Diablo Meridian in Fresno County, California. See attached Vicinity Map. The Sierra National Forest is currently preparing the Lakeshore Stewardship IRSC to reduce fuel accumulation within the wildland urban interface (WUI), restore areas of high intensity fire damaged ecosystems and to recover the value of the fire killed and damaged trees within a portion of the Creek Fire within the Huntington Lake Basin while addressing the area for the safety of the residents, recreationalist and forest staff. This will be done by accomplishing the following: Cut fire killed trees adjacent to forest roads and trails to provide for public safety. Remove salvageable included saw timber from the Contract Area to reduce hazardous fuel loading. Mechanically remove cull trees to landings to be disposed of by FS. Remove slash from units 76, 79, and 80 to a designated disposal site to be burned by FS. Pile slash within the interior of units 77, 82, and 121 and construct fire-line around unit perimeters. Reconstruct and maintain roads for safe access to the Contract Area. The resultant contract will include Forest product removal of 417 acres; felling, skidding and decking 417 acres; removing slash to disposal site of 155 acres; and interior piling and building fireline for 263 acres. The following work activities are anticipated as mandatory service items: Cut and Remove Included Timber Fell, Skid, and Deck Remove Slash to Disposal Site Interior Piling and Building Fireline Road Maintenance Road Reconstruction The following work activity is anticipated as an optional service item: Splitting Root-Wads A site visit is scheduled for June 16, 2022 to view the project area and discuss the objectives of this contract. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the High Sierra Ranger District, 29688 Auberry Rd, Prather, CA 93651. The solicitation will be posted on or about May 26, 2022 and should be downloaded from this website at that time. Proposals will be due on or around June 28, 2022. The period of performance is estimated to be from date of award through December 20, 2024. Point of contact is, Jeanne Windle, Contracting Officer, with the National Stewardship Contracting Branch at Questions must be submitted in writing and emailed to The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.

Final Planning

Conservation and Development


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Prather, CA

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