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Published February 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of an office development in Rockwall, Texas. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a 9,214-square-foot, one-story above grade office development; and for site work for a office development.

The City of Fate and its Municipal Development District (MDD) have authorized the private construction of a 3-story mixed use structure on property leased from the MDD located at 110 E. Greenhill Lane. As part of the project, the City is leasing the 3rd floor, which will consist of a "shelled-out" space of an approximate 9,214 square feet. The City desires to finish out the space to accommodate commercial office lease space. The space will need to facilitate co working, encourage/enable collaboration. There is a need for elements that facilitate community learning, small business incubation, and bring the right retail partners that would complement the environment of a working space. These elements need to balance the needs of activity and energy and creativity with the need to create quiet spaces that enable focused work or study. These should be also in alignment with a financially sustainable business model and a cost structure that leaves room for a wide variety of businesses (established businesses, startups, creative, freelance/entrepreneurs and professionals). The selected firm(s) shall have experience in the programming, design, and construction administration of projects of similar size and composition as the project listed above. It is expected that the qualified firm(s) will have a sufficient level of innovation and design expertise. The committee will pay particular attention to the proposed design team and their recent experience working together as a cohesive group on projects of similar size and scope in the D/FW area. It is expected the qualified firm(s) should have sufficient experienced staff and a workload free from constraints to produce services in a timely manner. The City of Fate reserves the right to reject any and all qualification statements and to waive in formalities. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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Renovation, Site Work

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August 2, 2024


110 Greenhill Ln, Rockwall, TX

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