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Published December 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Duluth, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 6,549-square-foot municipal facility.

State Project No. 2025-165-8S195 This Project is Targeted Group (TG) Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Veteran-Owned preference. A. The work will be completed under one prime contract. B. The following summary is a general guide to the scope of work. It should not be construed as a detailed list of work included in the contract. 1. Remove the existing upper roof including roof trusses and framing. Bottom chord of roof framing providing ceiling framing to remain. 2. Remove existing membrane roofing on the lower roof, and related roof accessories. 3. Remove existing brick chimney to below the roof sheathing on the lower roof. The existing brick chimney below the lower roof to remain. 4. Inspect and replace and damaged or open roof sheathing on the lower roof. 5. Install new roof trusses, batt insulation, plywood sheathing over the upper roof. 6. Install new standing seam metal roof, underlayment, flashing and accessories. 7. Install new siding with reverse battens to match surrounding siding over 2x6 wood framing at the new gables. Install wood trim at gables to match existing trim profiles. 8. The building, including the second floor will remain occupied during the construction. Coordination with DNR for access to the second for stabilizing the existing second floor ceiling will need to be coordinated with the DNR. 9. There may be times during the project where portions of the site surrounding the building will be restricted for hatchery use. This will be coordinated with the DNR, once a construction schedule is proposed. DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATES Alternate 1: Provide vertical enclosed chases on the exterior wall of upper floor, to provide roof ventilation instead of the turbine roof vents on the lower roof on the base bid. Est. Value: $ 336,000.00




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5351 N Shore Dr, Duluth, MN

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