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Published July 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Muscatine, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Bids are invited upon the items and quantities of work as follows: Base Bid: 1.) Demolition of existing piping supporting the operation of existing pump #3 engine. 2.) Demolition of existing concrete engine base for operation of pump #3. 3.) Owner will transport pump to pump station. Contractor shall unload and install pump. 4.) Supply labor & materials for assembly, and installation of the refurbished pump, including top of pump assembly which is located at pump station. 5.) Installation of the new right-angle gear (provided by Owner) including new grease lines located under floor surface, cooling system and associated equipment with existing grease & cooling water systems. 6.) Connection to existing cooling water piping & installation of new cooling water piping & associated pipe supports for new right-angle gear. 7.) Installation of the high-speed universal shaft (provided by Owner) and provide and install safety guard. Fabricate and install OSHA compliant safety guard with 12" x 12" hinged doors at u-joints. 9.) Transport new diesel engine (provided by Owner) from Altorfer Power Systems 2550 6th St. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 to pump station located at 13351 135th St, Muscatine, IA 52761. 10.) Supply material & equipment to install new diesel engine with associated piping and electrical equipment. 11.) Removal of existing roof mounted exhaust fans 12.) Supply equipment & materials to install two (2) new roof mounted exhaust fans. 13.) Supply labor & materials to make modifications to existing branch circuit over-current devices in existing MCC for new roof mounted exhaust fans & new air compressor. 14.) Supply material & equipment to modify existing compressed air piping in building, 15.) Supply & install new air compressor to replace existing air compressor in building, 16.) Modify ancillary piping for the new diesel engine. 17.) Supply labor & materials to install new exhaust silencer (provided by Owner) mounted on exterior of building for new diesel engine. Contractor shall support silencer on existing support located on exterior west wall, fabricate silencer base as necessary, fabricate transition from engine exhaust to silencer through west wall, and extend top of silencer to discharge above roof line of pump station building. 18.) Supply labor & materials to install new exhaust piping & associated supports for new diesel engine from new diesel engine to building exterior. 19.) Supply labor & materials to install existing fuel filter rack in close proximity to engine, as well as connect to existing fuel supply & return lines and extend to engine accordingly. 20.) Supply labor & materials to install new ductwork routed from new diesel engine radiator to new louver damper located in existing wall. 21.) Supply labor & materials to install new louver damper assembly with electrically operated dampers located in existing wall. 22.) Contractor shall interlock exhaust damper with engine controls to automatically open damper when engine starts. 23.) Contractor shall provide and install automatic grease system for refurbished pump #3 including pneumatic grease pump to on 120lb barrel, pressure activated reversing valve, distribution block with five proportioning valves, one bearing per valve, control panel to be interlocked with engine to grease pump when engine is started and adjustable time period after. Contractor shall route new 3/4 " diameter compressed air pipe routed along cooling water piping for automatic greasing system. 24.) Contractor shall provide labor and materials to install hinged door made of plywood and insulated to cover mechanical opening on north wall of pump station building. Size of mechanical opening is approximately 36" wide x 48" high. Contractor shall field verify size. Hinged door shall latch shut. 25.) Contractor shall remove existing fuel supply and return lines routed in concrete floor from existing day tank to engine area. 26.) Contractor shall install new 1" diameter fuel supply line and new 1" diameter fuel return line routed in floor in existing floor trench with minimum 3" of cover. Both lines to be routed from existing day fuel tank to new fuel filter rack. 27.) Cement Based Grout shall be prepacked non-metallic, non-gaseous and non-shrink per CSD C621 and ASTM C1107 at fluid consistency (flow cone) of 20-30 seconds. Minimum 28 day compressive strength = 7000 PSI. A certified check or bank draft, payable to the order of Muscatine-Louisa Drainage District #13 negotiable U.S. Government bonds (at par value) or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total Bid shall be submitted with each Bid. A full paper copy set of the bidding documents are available for review by prospective bidders by appointment at the offices of Klingner & Associates PC, 610 N. 4 th St., Suite 100, Burlington, Iowa. Technical questions regarding interpretations of the bidding documents shall be directed to Bryan Bross of Klingner & Associates PC at 319-752-3603; bcb@klingner.com NOT City Blue Technologie Muscatine-Louisa Drainage District #13 reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. Bids may be held by Muscatine-Louisa Drainage District #13 for a period not to exceed 45 days from the date of the opening of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders, prior to awarding of the Contract.


Water / Sewer


Public - County


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