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Site work for a water / sewer project in Pima, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The amount programmed for this contract is $7,600,000. The location and description of the proposed work are as follows: The proposed work is located in Graham County on US 70 between mileposts 279.50 and 293.40 near Peridot on the San Carlos Apache reservation. The proposed work consists of removing the existing asphaltic concrete surface course by milling and replacing it with a Bonded Wearing Course overlay. The project also includes spot repair work by milling and replacing with asphaltic concrete. Additional work includes replacing pavement markings and other miscellaneous work. This project is located on a Native American Reservation, in the San Carlos Apache Reservation area, which may subject the contractor to the laws and regulations of the San Carlos Apache Reservation and its TERO office. Contractors are advised to make themselves aware of any taxes, fees or any conditions that may be imposed by the San Carlos Apache Reservation on work performed on the Reservation. FNF Construction, Inc Is requesting quotes for supplies and services 0% DBE for the following Project: 06-24-2022 (US 70) Tribal Road 420-Coolidge Dam 070-A-NFA_F045501C Quotes Request for Supplies and Services include, but not limited to: Milling, AB, Bonded Wearing Course, AC, Signing, Traffic Control, Flagging, Pavement Marking, Rumble-Strip, Quality Control, Trucking, Water Trucks and all other related items.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

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June 24, 2022

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US-70, Pima, AZ

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