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Published June 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a municipal facility in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a two-story above grade municipal facility.
The project consists of a partial renovation of the 1 st and 2 nd floor of the Fort Dod ge Municipal Building as specified in the contract documents. The work on the 1 st floor will include the replacement of the HVAC in the new Broadband Administration Offices and Billing Office. The renovation of the 2 nd Floor Engineering East Wing will include adding a conference room, engineering offices, and roof access ladder with hatch. The work includes demolition, concrete, metals, custom wood trims, casework, wood doors, electric door access hardware, gypsum board assemblies, wall tile, resilient flooring & base, carpet tile, painting, corner guards, toilet accessories, window shade systems, acoustic ceilings, roof modifications, CCTV, Fire Alarms, mechanical, electrical, & plumbing. The owner will be completing any necessary asbestos abatement work prior to the start of construction Bid Security: In separate envelope clearly mark the name of the contractor and the title "Bid Security - Municipal Building Priority 6", each bidder shall accompany its bid with bid security in the form of a cashier's check, a certified check, or a bank money order drawn on a FDIC insured bank in Iowa or drawn on a FDIC insured bank chartered under the laws of the United States; or a certified share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States; or a bid bond executed by a corporation authorized to contract as a surety in Iowa or satisfactory to the Jurisdiction. The bid bond must be submitted on the Bid Bond form included in the project manual. All signatures on the bid bond must be original signatures in ink; facsimile (fax) of any signature on the bid bond is not acceptable. A certified check, to be acceptable, shall bear on its face the endorsement of a solvent Iowa bank as to the amount certified, which endorsement shall be signed by an official authorized to bind the bank by his acts. Bid security other than said bid bond shall be made payable to the City Clerk of Fort Dodg e. "Miscellaneous Bank Checks", and personal checks, as well as "Money Orders" and "Traveler's Checks" issued by persons, firms or corporations licensed under Chapter 533B of the Iowa Code, are not acceptable bid security. The bid security must be in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid as security that if awarded a contract, the Bidder will enter into a contract at the prices bid and furnish the required performance and payment bonds and certificate of insurance. The certified check or cashier's check or certified share draft may be cashed, or the bid bond forfeited, and the proceeds retained as liquidated damages if the bidder fails to execute a contract, provide the required bonds, or file an acceptable certificate of insurance within ten (10) days after the acceptance of his proposal by resolution of the City Council. No bidder may withdraw a proposal within thirty (30) days after the date set for opening bids. The bid security shall be in companied by a Bidder Status Form. The Bidder Status Form shall be inserted into the Bid Security envelope. You must submit the completed form to the governmental body requesting bids per 875 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 156 or the bid will be ineligible. Proposal guaranties will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders promptly after the award has been made. In no case will the proposal guaranty be held longer than thirty (30) days without written permission of the bidder, except that the proposal guaranty of the bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be retained until he has entered into contract and filed an acceptable bond. Sales Tax Exemption: The City of Fort Do dge, Iowa will issue Iowa Sales tax exemption certificates and authorization letters to the contractors and sub-contractors on this project. With this authorization, the contractor will not include Iowa Sales Tax on materials that will remain at the project site in their bid. for consideration by the Fort Dod ge City Council at its meeting on June 13th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The City of Fort Do dge reserves the right to reject any and all bids, re-advertise for new bids, and to waive informalities that may be in the best interest of the City. Conditional bids will not be accepted. Public Hearing on Proposed Contract Documents and Estimated Costs for Improvement: A public hearing will be held by the Fort Do dge City Council on the proposed contract documents (plans, specifications and form of contract) and estimated cost for the improvement at its meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday June 13 th , 2022 in said Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 819 1 st Avenue South, Fort D odge, Iowa . At said hearing, any interested person may appear and file objections thereto, or to the cost of said improvements. Proposals previously received by the Clerk will be considered by the Fort Do dge City Council at said time, and at that time, or at such time, date, and place as then may be fixed, the Fort Do dge City Council will act upon proposals and award a contract for the construction of the improvements. Bids will be received for a single lump sum contract, which shall include all divisions and all costs for the completed work. The successful lowest responsible bidder will execute contract documents as approved by the Fort Do dge City Council. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, said Bond to be issued by a responsible surety approved by Fort D odge City Council, and shall guarantee the faithful performance and the prompt payment of all materials and labor, and protect and save harmless the City from claims and damages of any kind caused by the operation of the contract, and shall also guarantee the maintenance of the improvements for the City for a period as required by the specifications, after its completion and acceptance by the City Time for Commencement and Completion of Work: Starting time for construction shall be as scheduled after the written Notice to Proceed is issued. The estimated starting date on site is July 5 th , 2022. Substantial completion of the project shall be no later than February 24th, 2023, subject to material lead times. Preference of Products and Labor: By virtue of statutory authority, preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the State of Iowa, and to Iowa domestic labor, to the extent lawfully required under Iowa statutes; provided that the award of contract will be made to the lowest responsible bidder submitting the lowest responsive bid, which shall be determined without regard to state or local law whereby preference is given on factors other than the amount of the bid. Contract shall be subject to the requirements of the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency that are applicable. General Nature of Public Improvement: All work and materials shall comply with the proposed drawings, specifications and proposed form of contract which together with the opinion of probable construction cost have heretofore been approved by the City Council now on file with the City Clerk of Fort Dod ge, Iowa. Said documents are by reference made a part hereof, as though fully set out and incorporated herein. Payment: Payment to the Contractor shall be made by the City of Fort D odge in cash from such funds as are legally available, including, but not limited to, proceeds received from the sale of General Obligation Bonds and/or warrants authorized by Section 384.57 of the Code of Iowa, drawn on such fund or funds of the City as are legally available for such purpose. The Contractor will be paid each month ninety-five percent (95%) of the Architect's estimate of the value of acceptable work. Such monthly payments shall in no way be construed as an act of acceptance for any part of the work partially or totally completed. Upon substantial completion of the work and its acceptance by the City Council, the Contractor will be paid an amount, which, together with previous payments, will equal ninety five percent (95%) of the contract price of the contract. Upon substantial completion of the work and its acceptance by the City Council, the Contractor will be paid an amount, which, together with previous payments, will equal ninety five percent (95%) of the contract price of the contract. Final payment of the remaining amount due will be made not less than thirty-one (31) days after substantial completion and acceptance by resolution of the City Council of the completed contract, subject to the conditions and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 573 of the Code of Iowa. This improvement project is being constructed and paid for pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 384 of the Code of Iowa. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and/or produced within the State of Iowa, and preference will be given to Iowa domestic labor as provided in the Code of Iowa
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June 7, 2022
July 5, 2022
819 1st Ave S, Fort Dodge, IA
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