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Development of a full Comprehensive Plan for Jonesboro City of Jonesboro 2022:96 The City of Jonesboro, Arkansas is excited to announce the beginning of its Comprehensive Plan process with the release of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the development of a full Comprehensive Plan (hereinafter "Plan") for Jonesboro. The City of Jonesboro last updated its Land Use Plan in 2018. Since that update, Jonesboro has experienced a tremendous amount of change by way of new construction, which has consisted of both public and private investments. Also during that time, Jonesboro was struck by a major tornado, damaging many commercial and industrial sites in the city. A committee will review all proposals and a decision will be made during the week of July 5, 2022. Qualifications should be addressed to: Steve Kent, Purchasing Agent #2022:96 City of Jonesboro 300 S. Church St Jonesboro, AR 72401 Please provide five (5) hardbound copies of your proposal and one (1) data copy. Qualifications shall include: Background of (Company Name) Include a short description of the company, location(s), and total number of employees. You can also include a short description of your unique attributes as well as challenges related to impact fee studies. Scope of Services The City of Jonesboro is located in Craighead County in the Northeast corner of the State of Arkansas. Jonesboro is currently the fifth (5th) largest city in the state. Jonesboro has experienced tremendous growth across all areas of development (residential, commercial, and industrial). The city currently has a major industrial expansion underway, along with several multi-use projects in different phases of construction, as well as large amounts of residential and commercial development. The City of Jonesboro is looking for a consultant that can provide a comprehensive plan that will serve as the leading policy document and tool to help the community create a vision, guiding principles, and recommendations for decision-making. The Plan should be designed to include the following: Community Vision Statement What is the Vision for Jonesboros future Key Planning Principles, Themes, or Topic Areas The Plan should identify topics areas or planning principles which reflect themes identified from gathering public input throughout the community. Each topic area should be supported by a goal and several objectives that serve to organize the specific actions detailed in the plan. Goals, Policies, and Actions Goals should provide intended outcomes expressed in simple terms for the plan's topic areas or planning principles. Objectives will provide a sub-theme within the goal that serves to organize actions. Actions will identify a project, policy, or program. Future Land Use and Character Thinking beyond the traditional Future Land Use Map, the Plan should identify desired character traits for different areas of town. The Plan should highlight the intent, primary and secondary uses, and preferred development standards for unique areas to help define the desired character. Vision Implementation While it is important to attach certain objectives and actions to each topic area or planning principle, the Plan should also include a table or matrix which summarizes the information for quick reference. The table should indicate the reasonable timeframe for completion and the party or parties responsible for each action. While content is critical to the Plan's success, the way in which the information is presented is equally as important. The Plan must be of high-quality visual design and organized in a user-friendly manner. Ideally, the Plan would also include unique branding which can be marketed throughout the planning process and beyond. Questionnaire Your Company 1. Briefly describe your firm's history and background. 2. Provide proof that your company carries Errors and Omissions insurance coverage. Your Practice 3. Describe the proposed team that would work with City of Jonesboro and provide information about the qualifications and expertise of each team member. 4. How often does your team meet with your clients and for what purposes 5. Describe what makes your firm uniquely qualified to work on our account. 6. What is your service philosophy 7. Provide references from current clients, preferably of similar size and/or need and complexity to the City of Jonesboro. For each reference please include: Number of employees Number/type of plans Length of servicing relationship Contact name, title, and phone number
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June 9, 2023
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