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Published June 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in St-Octave, Quebec. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Reference number : 1605429 Review Title : Repair of access to the building and embellishment of the courtyard of the Aux Quatres-vents school in Saint-Octave de Métis Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-06-06 Submission sent electronically accepted: Yes, in a single submission document The Center de services Scolaires des Phares wishes to obtain tenders in a sealed envelope to retain the services of a general construction contractor to carry out the work for the project : 041-AMB2020-01-Repair of access to the building and embellishment of the schoolyard at Quatre-Vents, Saint-Octave de Métis. Tenders may be received or sent to the Center de services scolaire des Phares , at 435, avenue Rouleau, Rimouski, before 10:00 a.m., local time, on June 8 , 2022. One (1) original and one (1) copy of tenders must be presented in a sealed envelope (bearing the name of the project) and addressed according to the model provided in the tender documents. GUARANTEES All tenders must be accompanied by a tender guarantee representing 10% of the total amount of the tender excluding all applicable taxes, in the form of a certified check payable to the contracting authority, an irrevocable letter of guarantee or a surety bond. tender issued by a financial institution that is an insurer holding a license issued in accordance with the Act respecting insurance (RSQ, c. A-32) authorizing it to carry out suretyship insurance, a trust company holding a license issued under the Act respecting trust companies and savings companies (RSQ, c. S-29.01), a financial services cooperative governed by the Act respecting financial services cooperatives(RSQ, c. C-67.3) or a bank within the meaning of the Bank Act (LC, 1991, c. 46), valid for a period of 45 days from the date of opening of tenders, otherwise the submission will be automatically rejected . This tender guarantee must be exchanged at the signing of the contract for a performance guarantee and a guarantee of obligations for wages, materials and services. When these guarantees are in the form of security, the amount of each of them corresponds to 50% of the contract price. OTHERS Only bids from contractors having an establishment in Quebec and holding, where applicable, the license required under the Building Act (RSQ, cB.-1.1) will be considered for the purposes of awarding the contract. Tendering contractors are responsible for the choice of subcontractors, both for their solvency and for the content of their tenders. QUEBEC REVENUE CERTIFICATE For any contract of $25,000 or more (before taxes), the tenderer having an establishment in Quebec has the obligation to transmit with his tender, the Certification of Revenue Quebec (ARQ) obtained via the electronic address www.revenu. gouv.qc.ca/fr/entreprise/ . The certificate must not have been issued more than 90 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders, nor after this date. A tenderer who does not have an establishment in Quebec where he carries out his activities on a permanent basis must, in order to be able to submit a tender, complete and sign the Absence of establishment in Quebec included in the tender documents. AWARD The Project Manager does not undertake to accept either the lowest or any of the tenders received, in particular when it deems that the prices are too high or disproportionate or do not reflect a fair market price. For more information, bidders must communicate in writing with Ms. Marie-Hélène Nollet by email at architect@mhnollet.com , taking care to mention the title of the project . Start date : 20 Jun 2022 End date : 16 Sep 2022




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June 8, 2022

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203 Rue de l'Église, St-Octave, QC

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