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Published June 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Richmond, Indiana. Working plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Contractor or any subs must have demonstrated knowledge of all stated roof and maintenance requirements. HACR is committed to a goal of thirty-five percent of all contract funds being awarded to Minority Business Enterprises (MBE). The firms submitting proposals are encouraged to include MBE participation to the maximum extent possible. Housing Authority of the City of Richmond (HACR) objective of the RFP and subsequent contracting activity is to requesting bids for roof replacement of the flat roof portion of the Merle Henderson Apartment Building located at 81 S. 14 th ST. Richmond, IN 47374. HACR is looking secure the services of qualified, experienced and licensed roofing contractor(s) to complete this project. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to verify the total area and materials required to complete the work. Proposals are desired in a lump sum bid for the removal of old roofing materials and the Installation of a new roof. The proposal shall include related costs to provide a complete roofing System including but not limited to, all necessary permits related to the work, all shipping and Transportation costs to the jobsite location, fabrication costs, disposal fees, and miscellaneous costs normally associated with this type of project. The total proposal price shall include all associated costs to remove and install a new roof, Including but not limited to: - Apply and receive a permit from the City of Richmond or Wayne County -Remove the existing membrane roof system, including insulation, sheeting, flashings, perimeter edge details, and other related appurtenances.Replace any damaged insulation (proposals should specify R-value). 1.Install a custom fit membrane assembly roof system. 2.Install new curb flashings, wall flashings, pipe flashings, drain details and perimeter edge details per manufacturer's specifications. 3. Repair any drainage and ventilation issues as needed 4. Install protective walkway pads as needed. 5. Install pre-painted, 24 gauge steel perimeter edge metal, gutter and downspouts. 5. Provide a minimum 20 year manufacturer's labor and material warranty.

Final Planning

Residential Subdivision


Public - City


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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81 S 14th St, Richmond, IN

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